Lizards and jellyfish and snails, OH MY!

Programs for this blog post

Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems & Sustainability

Authored By:

Kirsten Rock

On Saturday, everyone hopped on a charter bus to head to Sant Elm where we boarded a boat to head to another island - Dragonera! On Dragonera one of the activities participants did was an hour long hike to take in the beautiful views of the island. 

However, the hike wasn't where we interacted with the wildlife. Our lunch dates on Dragonera were the many small lizards you'll find on the island. Many participants loved staying still until they crawled over their hands. 

The wildlife didn't stop there as students did hands on field work with their biology teachers in the water. From searching in the shallow area to snorkeling in the bay they got to see snails, hermit crabs, sea tomatoes, fish, and jellyfish to name a few! 

After a boat ride back to Sant Elm when some took a power nap, students had free time to explore the Sant Elm area. This included gelato and beach time for the majority, two things we're becoming very good at enjoying in Palma! 

A special thanks to Eli for taking some of these amazing photos with his camera!