Living like a Local in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Programs for this blog post

Women for Environmental Action

Authored By:

Delaney O'Brien

While our time in Monteverde is coming to an end, cultural immersion is incredibly important this week. The Women in STEM program is focusing on learning about day-to-day life in Monteverde. 

Earlier this week, students were able to complete community service hours at a local clinic. This clinic provides free healthcare to local Monteverde people. A well known family in town saw a need for a local clinic since it is very expensive to travel into town. There are six hundred families living in this remote area that are able to come to the clinic for free. The land was donated to the family, and a doctor comes at least once a week to the clinic, both general practitioners and more specialized doctors come. Students worked in the overgrown front yard at the clinic, moving dirt, planting crops, and removing weeds, making it more appealing for people coming to the clinic. This activity gave insight to the accessibility of health care in a different country and allowed them to make an impact in the small town of Monteverde. 

Tuesday afternoon was spent in the Rec Room on campus learning Folkloric dance from local people. The girls watched in awe as skirts of beautiful colors filled the room. Soon, it was their turn. Each student was given a traditional Costa Rican skirt to wear throughout the dances. They quickly picked up on what was going on, the room bursting with excitement and joy. 

On Wednesday, the Women in STEM group was able to spend the afternoon in Santa Elena. The girls spent time shopping, snacking, and enjoying each other’s company. Students were able to practice their Spanish skills in the shops and chatting with locals. We spent the morning making animal masks to celebrate National Wildlife Day.

Santa Elena, known as “town,” is a thirty minute ride from the CIEE campus here in Monteverde, a part of the larger Puntarenas providence. Situated in the middle of the cloud forest, Santa Elena has beautiful views, kind locals, and is filled with tourists. Town has various souvenir shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and tourist attractions. Students were most excited to find bracelets and snacks to take with them on their departure this Saturday. 

Throughout the week, students have enjoyed time outside with nature and friends. We have been led in morning yoga, been taught how to make friendship bracelets, and made memories of a lifetime. The Costa Rican lifestyle has been such a priveldge to be immersed in. All of the students throughout this session have been an absolute pleasure to get to know, spend time with, and explore the country with. These girls are full of passion, creativity, and excitement, and they are all going to do absolutely amazing things in their lives!