Let's make gnocchi!

Programs for this blog post

Italian Language & Culture

Authored By:

Jane Kuntz

Ciao da Roma! 

What a busy first week here in Rome! Our students have settled into their host families and are quickly learning about the city and the language. While we've done lots of fun activities, a highlight this week was our cooking class at Rossopomodoro, a pizzeria Napoletana near the CIEE study center. 

As we arrived at the restaurant, we were shown upstairs to a group of tables ready with all of the ingredients to make fresh gnocchi: flour, salt, egg, and boiled and grated potato. We washed our hands, donned our aprons and chefs hats before being taught how to mix the dough. Quickly, we were busy at work! 

After lots of mixing dough, rolling it out, cutting it into the yummy bite-sized pillows, we were able to take a seat and finally enjoy our pasta. The chefs in the restaurant cooked up our freshly rolled pasta and prepared it with a simple tomato sauce, sprinkling a bit of cheese on top.

Buon appetito!