Let's go milk the cows!

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Climate Change Mitigation

The singing of the birds starts to sound louder announcing the new day! Here in the middle of the cloudy rainforest of Monteverde, the sound of the birds singing is our alarm to let us know that it's time to get up and get ready because today is a day of milking cows! So yes, today was a morning in which a group of students, in this case: Anet, Maddy, Paxton, Margaux, Zoé and Tiarra decided to go and have the experience of the process of milking cows and obtaining milk. 

The students were very punctual, because we had to leave at 6:10 in the morning so we had to wake up earlier than usual. The place to milk the cows is located 10 or 15 minutes from our bungalows. So it was very nice to start the day with a walk. 

When we arrived at the place, the first thing we saw were the two baby cows. We were happy to see them because they still looked small and they were very playfull between them. They make very loud noises. One of the students said that it looked like it had a speaker inside, and yes! It seemed that it had a speaker because for babies they sounded very hard. We were welcomed by Juan, the person in charge of milking the cows and taking care of the farm animals. 

When we arrived, Juan was feeding the pigs. There were more than four large pink pigs, they looked happy and hungry. When Juan finished feeding them, we waited on the farm while Juan went to get the two big cows. The two cows that Juan brought were large and black, a very intelligent one opened the door by herself and went straight to be milked. Juan tells us that the cow learned by watching Juan open the door, so the cow learned the movements (also she wanted to eat).

The first ones to milk the cow were Margaux and Zoé. After a few minutes Maddy and Anet followed. Juan told us that we have to milk her for a few minutes so that the cow does not get stressed, but this cow was very good and calm. Paxton and Tiarra said that they preferred to be spectators, they were the photographers of the process, they also said that they enjoy seeing the experience of others milking.

It was almost going to be 7 am and it was time to go back to continue to eat some good pancakes, fruits, tea, coffee and share breakfast with our peers. Something important in the forest is that we cannot miss breakfast because every day we will have many activities and walks. Like today that awaits us a very good day, learning about our carbon footprint, Spanish classes and walking in the forest.