Learning the Lisbon Lowdown
Written by: Olivia S. & Ben S. Photos by Ben S.
Some people enjoyed much-needed rest this morning while others went to watch the sunrise. We went to the historical fort, Castelo de São Filipe on a hill in Setúbal; after we walked to the Market and savored a fruit and pastry-filled breakfast.
We quickly energized ourselves with an amusing game of telephone then we left the hotel at 9:30 am for our day trip to Lisbon. First up was an adventure at the Oceanarium. Oceanário de Lisboa is a worldwide recognized aquarium for its truly amazing experience through the oceans from around the world. We were given a tour through the aquarium learning about all the different species they have, like the adored sea otters. Oceanário de Lisboa is not only committed to giving guests a once-in-a-lifetime experience but they are leaders in aquatic sustainability by educating others and promoting the protection of wildlife and our ocean.

After that, we got stipends to eat at the Centro Vasco Da Gama Mall and shop around. I ate a prosciutto and mozzarella panini: others enjoyed Portuguese chains that serve salads, wraps, fast food, and pastry treats.
Later, our leaders Maria and Ana lead us on a tour of downtown Lisbon. We got to see tons of historical sites that represent Lisbon's rich antiquities. Then we were released for 2.5 hours of free time. Exploring this new city was a blast. Tons of people were out so we got to see the culture and daily activities that go on in this special area. Many of us got ice cream and examined the architecture and shops.
Finally, we headed back to Setúbal and ate dinner at a Brazilian Buffet near the hotel. It was a great day getting to see the animals, people, and city that make Lisbon the memorable place it is.
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