La Cité Fertile: Another World Is Possible!

Programs for this blog post

French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Joseph McFadden
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Situated in an old SNCF train station in the bustling satellite city of Pantin, the Cité Fertile is… fertile as its name suggests in its second life since 2018 as an eco-community. The various train yard buildings have been repurposed as an urban farm, green restaurant, brewery and more with yoga classes, school field trips, business meetings and more on site being inspired by a “tiers-lieu” or alternate space & vision of an old world in transition to a more sustainable one. The more leisurely and fun side of life also have a home here with pétanque areas, beach volleyball, ping pong and more that our students eagerly took to at the end of the fascinating tour. Even the bathrooms for those filled with Orangina, French mineral waters and such uses . Au menu du jour of the restaurant are sandwiches, salads and grilled food grown that are all plant-based.

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The first stop on the tour was one of many urban garden projects. This particular one is next to both a beekeeping site and the compost area. Plants are carefully chosen to support pollinators and local creatures in this haven in the midst of a very urban environment. Our students were transfixed by the disparity between abundant herbs & wildflowers versus the cityscape of towers and high rise apartments in the distance. Touchingly, all of these gardens are tended to by a 1st & 2nd grade local class of budding little gardeners as part of their science learning.

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While initially foreseen as a temporary transitional project until permanent green housing is built, the city has benevolently extended the rights to the land to keep the dream going. All the while in the background, danceable retro French music resounds from a large gathering hall. A retirement community has rented it out and joyful octogenarians are milling around curious about our High School excursion group. Several respond in good French about the purpose of the program and their daily cultural activity. 

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It’s apparent to what extent it's teeming with life and multiple purposes. The guide as well as a glance at the activity board confirm the vast array of offerings in the space. Mentioned are yoga classes, a craft market, concerts, wood stove workshops, roller disco, a student food pantry and more. One student mentioned an interest in returning to check out some of the other cool stuff such as the market! While the trip to see it was a bit of a metro “hike” to the small suburban city of Pantin, it was clearly worth it for the cherry on top to follow… sand volleyball! Teams quickly formed including students and Program Leaders. It was a tight and exciting game surrounded by the pollinator garden and the soundtrack of French dance music. Eventually the score was of no importance as laughter and lightness of being became the ordre du jour. Yes, another world is possible and our students caught a glimpse of it in this idyllic green island in an urban sea called La Cité Fertile
