La Catedral de Sevilla y La Giralda

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Spanish Language & Culture

Today students toured La Catedral de Sevilla and the Giralda. The enormous cathedral is located in the center of the city and is the third largest Cathedral in Europe. Upon walking into the cathedral you notice the incredibly high ceilings and intricate arquitecture. The cathedral is full of art, chapels, and "treasure rooms." Attached to the cathedral is a massive tower called the "Torre de la Giralda." At 35 floors high, this tower provides a beautiful view of the entire city. 

Students climbed the 35 floor ramp to reach the top. The views were well worth the climb!

One of the most important historical parts of the Cathedral of Seville is the tomb of Christopher Columbus (pictured above). His tomb is held by an impressive statue of the four figures representing the four kingdoms of Spain during his life; Castile, Aragon, Navara, and Leon. His son, Fernando Columbus, is also buried in the Cathedral of Sevilla. Below are a few pictures of the incredible architecture found inside the Cathedral of Sevilla.