Ke ithuta Setswana!

*which means “I am learning Setswana.”

Today started off with a quick coffee! 

Then we were headed off to visit the Gaborone Dam built in 1963 that supplies water to the all of the city!

Stairs leading up to the top of the dam

Grabbed lunch at River Walk then headed back to the University. Students had some time to talk about their final projects and come up with questions to ask the wildlife sanctuary guides at Mokolodi (the nature reserve we are heading to on Monday).

Final Group Project Topics:

1.     Endangered species

2.     Elephant migration

3.     Hunting ban

After some brainstorming students got a little creative decided to do some hair styling!

The final product

Students then had their first Setswana class with Phono!

Coming up, this weekend students are off with their host families doing a variety of different activities!

  • Visiting local villages and meeting extended host family members
  • Family wedding 
  • Fashion show
  • Church on Sunday 
  • Climbing Kgale Hill at sunrise 

Monday morning we are headed straight to the Mokolodi Nature Reserve about 30 minutes outside of the city. We will be camping there for 2 nights, returning to our home stays on Wednesday night (July 19th). Students and leaders will not have access to wifi so don't be alarmed if blog posts become a little less frequent and students are not able to be in contact with you. Again, we'll be back Wednesday night! Until then! 

-Jing & Alaina