A Joyful Journey

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Public Health

Authored By:

Albert Reyes

A Joyful Journey at Cometas de Esperanza: Embracing Physical and Mental Well-Being

Our adventure at Cometas de Esperanza began with an exhilarating Thursday morning. The day kicked off with a discussion about the importance of physical activities and how it can boost our overall well-being. Understanding the benefits of staying active set the tone for the rest of the day's activities.



We started with a series of stretching exercises, warming up our bodies and preparing ourselves for the fun ahead. The energy was infectious as we transitioned into dancing. 

Together with the students, we created two choreographies. The joy on everyone's faces was evident as we moved to the rhythm, celebrating the power of movement. 

After our dancing session, we took a break to enjoy some snacks, recharging our bodies and sharing laughter.




Thursday Afternoon: Rhythms of Merengue and Bachata

The afternoon was dedicated to learning the vibrant dances of merengue and bachata. This peer-to-peer learning session was a beautiful display of camaraderie and cultural exchange. Students paired up, guiding each other through the steps and sways of these traditional dances.

Bacha and merengue

Friday Morning: Nurturing Mental Health

Friday morning brought a shift in focus to mental health. At Cometas de Esperanza, we gathered to discuss the importance of mental well-being. Each of us was encouraged to draw ourselves and list the positive attributes we see within. This activity was not only a creative outlet but also a reflective exercise that helped us recognize our strengths and areas for growth.

The process of writing down our good features was incredibly empowering. It served as a reminder of our worth and the importance of self-love. By the end of the session, we felt a deeper connection to ourselves and each other, fostering a supportive and uplifting environment.


Friday Afternoon: Workshop on Well-Being and Leisure

The afternoon session was a workshop focused on well-being. We explored various aspects of maintaining a healthy and balanced life, learning practical tips and strategies to implement in our daily routines. This workshop provided valuable insights and encouraged us to prioritize our mental and physical health.

Well being

After the workshop, we enjoyed some structured free time. We had the opportunity to go shopping, savor delicious food, and simply have fun. It was a perfect blend of relaxation and recreation. As we wandered through the shops and shared meals, we made sure to capture these moments with great pictures, creating lasting memories of our time together.

A Memorable Saturday in the Dominican Republic: Morning Adventures at the Cassava Factory

On Saturday morning, our group embarked on an exciting visit to a cassava factory. This experience turned out to be incredibly enriching as we witnessed firsthand the fascinating process of making cassava. From the peeling and washing of the root to its transformation into the familiar product we enjoy, every step was meticulously explained and demonstrated by the friendly factory staff.



Learning about cassava production not only deepened our appreciation for this staple food but also gave us a glimpse into the rich culinary traditions of the Dominican Republic.

We were particularly captivated by the intricate methods used to ensure the highest quality of cassava, reflecting the pride and dedication of the local people.

As a delightful treat, we indulged in a snack of fresh cassava with cream cheese. The combination was simply divine, highlighting the natural flavors of the cassava. 

To complement our snack, we sipped on a refreshing fruit punch juice that perfectly captured the tropical essence of the region.






Afternoon Delight by the River in Mao

After our educational morning, we headed to the river in Mao for a relaxing afternoon. The setting was absolutely breathtaking, with the serene river flowing gently. We found a perfect spot by the water's edge to set up for our lunch.The meal was delish and the Dominican traditional desserts as well. Aside from the delectable food, what made the afternoon truly special was the time we spent with our peers. We laughed, chatted, and created memories that are going to last forever.

As the day drew to a close, we reluctantly packed up and made our way back home. The journey was filled with reflections on the day's adventures and a sense of gratitude for the experiences we had shared.


A Perfect Sunday: Family, Fun, and Togetherness.

This past Sunday was one of those perfect days that you'll remember for a long time. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and joy as we gathered for a family day. Each family brought their favorite dishes, turning our gathering into a delightful feast. The variety was incredible, with everything from savory mains to sweet treats, and everyone eagerly sampled each other's culinary creations.

After we ate, we turned up the volume and brought out the karaoke machine. It didn’t matter if you could sing like a superstar or not what mattered was the enthusiasm and the fun. There were some surprisingly talented singers among us, and even those who were a bit off-key added to the hilarity and the good vibes.

But the fun didn’t stop there. We had organized some friendly sports competitions, which brought out everyone's competitive spirit. Whether it was a game of soccer, volleyball, or a relay race, everyone was cheering and having a blast. It was a fantastic way to bond and burn off some of the calories from our earlier feast.

For those of us who preferred a more relaxing activity, the pool was the perfect escape. Swimming, splashing around, and simply floating under the warm, it will definitely be a day to remember.


These days are going to live with us forever, proud and thankful of all the students, couldn´t be happier of sharing this amazing moments with you all, you are learning a lot in this wonderful program, but i am also learning a lot from you, it has always been a win-win. With so much love, Albert Reyes, Pogram Leader.