How Far They'll Go

The campus where the students are living is located right on the gorgeous coast of South Portland. There are beaches, lighthouses, and parks surrounding the campus, which allows for fun breaks from all the hard work in the classes and projects. Each summer at one of these parks, movies are played on a large outdoor screen for the whole community to enjoy! Last night was the perfect weather to spend outdoors amongst friends.

The 12 of us who went were joined by hundreds of others from the community.

The movie that was playing was Disney's Moana. This movie is a personal favorite of mine because of the themes of love within families and communities, taking risks for a greater good, and of course a sense of adventure! Here's the video of Moana desiring to go off into the world to become who she's really meant to be! 

Watching this movie with the students made me realize how much international exchange and education is such an important part of life! The experience these students have of living in Maine for 3 weeks is one they will not soon forget.

One of my favorite lines in the movie is when Moana's grandmother sings:

"The village may think I'm crazy,

or say that I drift too far,

but once you know what you like,

well there you are!"

I remember my first time in another country, and how much that shaped me to become the person I am today. For many students, the risk of leaving everything behind to go on this grand adventure was new and scary. But I believe they will take so many life lessons back home with them, and use them to help their local communities, just like Moana herself ;)

I can't wait to see just how far these students will go.
