Guest Blogger 2: Harper!

Authored By:

Delina Auciello

Here is our second guest blogger: Harper!!

"Hi, I’m Harper! I am from Chicago and mostly participate in academic clubs during the school year. This program was a way for me to push myself out of my comfort zone. I had no idea what to except from this new country and culture I was jumping into and on top of that I had no idea how to coach soccer. Despite not playing soccer, that part of this program was really appealing. I wanted a challenge this summer, and this has been just that.

This past week I was one of the group leaders which means coming up with activities and drills for the girls we are coaching. I have really enjoyed this because I get to think about what I would have considered fun and what I would actually be able to do. When I mess up(which I usually do), the girls we are working with usually laugh. I get to connect with them in a unique and laugh at myself. It has been frustrating to re-learn some basic soccer skills but it is amazing to watch these girls catch on so quickly! In addition to soccer everyday life has been challenging, but in the best way. I have been pushed to try hire things and be more adaptable. Specifically, last night my host sister made a savory banana dish. I am not the biggest fan of bananas so was not very eager to try it. However in Tanzania it is rude to not eat all the food that has been served to you. So I took a small scoop of the dish. It ended up being so good I went back for seconds, and even thirds. 

Even when there was something particularly challenging our group is always there to support one another. Whether it is pumping each other up to learn how to hand wash out clothes or simply being energetic when someone is sick or hurt, there has yet to be a dull moment."

Check back in to hear from guest blogger number 3 tomomorrow!

xoxox Dee, Harper, and thr Iringa Session 2 Girls