Guest Blog: A Trip to Samsø by Grace Urban

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Taking Climate Action

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

Today's guest blog comes to us from Grace Urban. Grace is from Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania and is sharing her experiences about our overnight trip to Samsø island, one of Denmark's only carbon negative communities.


Our overnight trip to Samsø island was an experience, to say the least. After a long train ride, and an even longer ferry ride, our group arrived in Samsø. We were first greeted by a bus ride to our cabins through the countryside, including a quick stop for some fresh strawberries along the way. Once we arrived at the cabins, we got our roommates and got settled in. After that we had a quick lunch and explored the surrounding area. Some of us went to the beach, but others, like myself, stayed back to enjoy the scenery around the cabins. After a while we were able to eat dinner and start a campfire, which everyone loved. We made s’mores and listened to some music to top off the night.

When we woke up, we were able to get breakfast, and then we were off to the Energy Academy. This academy is one of the reasons why Samsø is so special. It is run by a group of people who are committed to making Samsø carbon negative, and who help other areas throughout the world strive to do the same. We listened to a few short lectures, and even went to see how Samsø is able to power a carbon negative community. After this we went on a drive to one of the most amazing views I’ve ever seen on top of a hill, and were able to hear how Samsø began its sustainable journey. Finally, we ended the day with some ice cream, and set out for the trip back to Copenhagen.The trip to Samsø may have been long, but it was worth it for the wonderful people and incredible views!

~Grace (Climate Change Policy and Advocacy, Copenhagen, Session I)


Thank you, Grace