The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Authored By:

Jennifer Rives

On Wednesday of last week, we took students on a tour of downtown Nanjing. Our first stop on the tour was the statue of Sun Yat-Sen (or Sun Zhong Shan 孙中山 as he's known in China), one of the most famous landmarks in Nanjing. Sun Zhong Shan is considered to be one of the greatest leaders in modern Chinese history. In fact, almost all Chinese cities have streets, buildings, statues, and other landmarks named after him. 

After learning about Sun Zhong Shan and his importance to present-day Chinese history, the students went on an exploration of a Chinese Walmart located near the statue. They enjoyed walking around both levels of the megastore buying snacks, drinks, beauty supplies, and other things that they needed or wanted. 

After Walmart, it was time for another shopping spree! We took the students to the main fashion and shopping area in downtown Nanjing: Fashion Lady Plaza! There, students completed their Into the Community conversation activities for the day, which involved them completing tasks such as talking to vendors about their lives, asking for the prices of the items that they wanted to buy, and bargaining for the best prices possible in Chinese. 

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

While they were wandering around the several shops and stalls at the plaza, some students got a good laugh out of finding T-shirts that had funny, incomprehensible English words and phrases written on them.

To brighten up your day and give you just as good of a laugh, here are some pictures of some of the best Chinglish T-shirts that students found at Fashion Lady Plaza!

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

Last but not least, here's the group's favorite of all the Chinglish t-shirts! 

Photo for blog post The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

The great debate of what TGNRIYW could mean still continues. If you have any guesses, be sure to let us know. ;)