First Week

Hello to all parents and hello to all friends,

can you believe the first week has come to an end?

The students are lovely, and ever so bright,

It is a pleasure to see them each and every night.

They work hard in classes, we're very impressed.

The Baltics and US have sent us their best.

They've learned to play baseball and liked it a bunch,

Laughing together at dinner, breakfast, and lunch.

Today we went kayaking, everything was smooth to begin.

And all kept smiling even after one group fell in.

Sharing our cultures, stories, and songs.

Relaxing with card games, pool, and ping-pong.

They're all safe and happy, we promise you this.

When they fly back home, we are sure they will miss,

The friendships, the lessons, the memories, the laughs

Special thanks to parents, friends, and the people at BAFF.

Soon I must go and lay my head down to bed,

Tomorrow is another day and we have much ahead.

Wherever you may be, it could be early or late,

Wishing you best from yours,


Sarah Kate








