Discovering Taiwan Through ShiFen and Jiufen

Programs for this blog post

Chinese Language & Taiwanese Culture

Authored By:

Carma Elharazi

The Journey Begins: Shifen

Shifen, a small town known for its historic railway and breathtaking waterfall, was the first stop on the students' itinerary. The journey to Shifen itself was an adventure, as the students traveled through scenic landscapes, passing terraced rice paddies and verdant mountains.

Upon arrival, the students were greeted by the sight of the famous Shifen Old Street, where the railway tracks run right through the center of the town. The unique setup, with trains periodically passing through, created an exciting atmosphere. Despite the heat, the students eagerly participated in the local tradition of releasing sky lanterns. They wrote their wishes and dreams on colourful lanterns before watching them float into the sky, carrying their aspirations with them. The students wrote their wishes in Mandarin and put their writing skills to use! This experience was both a cultural immersion and a moment of reflection for the students, as they thought about their futures and the interconnectedness of different cultures. Afterwards they ate a traditional Taiwanese lunch by the breathtaking waterfall. They were able to eat many different dishes and enjoy all types of food.

Stepping Back in Time: Jiufen 

After an exhilarating day in Shifen, the students headed to Jiufen, a town famous for its narrow alleyways, historic architecture, and stunning views of the ocean. Jiufen's rich history as a former gold mining town added a layer of intrigue to the visit.

Walking through Jiufen's bustling streets, the students felt as if they had stepped back in time. The town's architecture, with its red lanterns and traditional tea houses, provided a glimpse into Taiwan's past and the Japanese influences.

Culinary Adventures

No visit to Jiufen would be complete without indulging in its culinary delights. The students eagerly sampled a variety of street foods, from the famous taro balls to the savoury snacks sold by local vendors. They were able to use their learned Mandarin skills and order their own dishes. They also had the chance to experience a traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony in one of Jiufen's historic tea houses. The intricate process of brewing and serving tea was both educational and relaxing, providing a deeper appreciation for Taiwanese culture.

Reflections and Connections:

Throughout the trip, the students were encouraged to reflect on their experiences and the cultural differences and similarities they observed. They noted the strong sense of community in both Shifen and Jiufen, where local traditions are preserved and celebrated. The students also appreciated the hospitality of the Taiwanese people, who warmly welcomed them and eagerly shared their customs and stories. The students have also experienced this interactions from the local community from their own Community Conversations and living with their own host families.