Cultural Activity: Escudos

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture

Authored By:

Ellen Tischendorf

It has been an exhilarating first week for the students in Merida! Amidst the vibrant cultural experiences and the enchanting cityscape, these young minds have embarked on a journey that goes far beyond academics. As they immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Mexican culture, they have discovered the power of team building, teamwork, and the joy that comes with forging lifelong connections. One of the most valuable aspects of any study abroad experience is the opportunity for students to connect with one another. The cultural activity on Thursday proved to be a catalyst for building strong relationships within each class. Each level was tasked with creating a crest (escudo) that embodied their unique spirit and camaraderie.


Level 1: Las Tormentas (The Storms):

The Level 1 students, known as "Las Tormentas," displayed their creativity and unity by designing a crest that depicted their resilience and determination. Inspired by the rain and thunderstorms earlier in the week, their “escudo" symbolized their ability to weather any challenges that come their way. A little rain won’t stop this team!

Level 1, Las Tormentas holding their team crest


Level 2A: Flamingos Fabulosos (Fabulous Flamingos):

The Level 2A students embraced their vibrant spirit by adopting the name "Flamingos Fabulosos." Their crest was a beautiful combination of colors and paper flowers, reflecting the students' diverse personalities. We learned earlier in the week that the Yucatan is home to one of the largest populations of flamingos, thus making it an important symbol here in Merida. 

Team 2a holding their crest

Level 2B: Frijoles Fugaz (Fleeting Beans):

The Level 2B students, fondly known as "Frijoles Fugaz," infused their crest with humor and creativity. Derived from a recurring inside joke, this team depicted their enthusiastic and lively nature and showcased their dynamic approach to teamwork. This emblem was a testament to their ability to bring joy and laughter to every task they undertake.

Team 2B holding their crest

Level 3: Caotis Curiosos (Curious Caotis):

The Level 3 students chose the name "Caotis Curiosos," reflecting their curiosity and excitement of the culture. Their crest featured the caoti, an animal native to the Yucatan. This group is hoping to spot these furry friends at one of our many excursions planned throughout the month. 

level 3 holding their escudo

Through these team-building activities, the students have learned the true value of collaboration and cooperation. They have experienced firsthand how diverse perspectives and skill sets can come together to create something extraordinary. Whether it was brainstorming ideas for the crests or working together to bring their visions to life, the students discovered that together they are stronger, more creative, and capable of achieving great things.

Beyond the academic realm, the students have embraced the unforgettable experiences that studying abroad offers. From exploring the busy markets of Merida to sampling local delicacies, each day has been an adventure. The students have formed strong bonds through laughter, shared experiences, and mutual support, creating memories that will last a lifetime.This study abroad experience has not only enriched their academic knowledge but has also empowered them with life skills that will shape their future endeavors.