The Colosseum? Collosal ✅

Programs for this blog post

Creative Writing in the Land of Gods & Heroes

Authored By:

Justice Amick

With the courage of gladiators in their hearts, the kids made it to the Colosseum and can confirm - it is indeed, collosal. They had a lot of fun looking at archeological findings and renderings of the what the colosseum would have looked like back in it’s glory days. Program Leader Justice taught them a lot of Roman history during their explorations, even telling how some people put to death had to fight lions and tigers in the arena. The kids response: “They were so cooked.”

The Colosseum

The students have also been digging into their studies of mythology, learning about Hercules, Demeter, Aphrodite and more. They’ve been tasked with solving problems using the help of the gods and goddesses and identifying characters in ceiling paintings of museums and mansions. They’ve also been developing their basic Italian, with the occasional mix of English thrown in to feel like they are living like the Italians.

One of the best parts of the groups time here has been the connection they have with eachother. They truly move like a family unit even though they’ve barely known eachother over 2 weeks. They collaborate, listen, adjust and move like a true study abroad community. Program Leader Justice is very proud of them coming together, especially during the tough times, to support each other and lend a hand. No one is ever left out with this group.

All together

Some of the highlights of their time so far:

-> Continuing to try every flavor of gelato possible (some of them should invest in gelato stocks)

-> Walking Roman ruins at night and watching them come to life due to modern technology

Night ruins

-> Bonding over mispronunciation of Italian and headbandz to pass the time

Passing the time

-> Embarking on a weekend trip to Florence


-> Watching the annual firework show of Rome

Firework show

-> Experiencing the very best Rome has to offer like selfie museums, rooftop views and more

The students have their final night together this Friday before going back to reality on Saturday. Will all of us cry at the airport? Most likely. But the best things are the hardest to let go.