¡CIEElito lindo!

What a fun first full day!

Today we had a VERY full day. After our morning orientation, we went out to a local restaurant and had some delicious sopa de lentajas, ensalada con papas.


What a healthy lunch! To counter that, we had perhaps a bit less nutritious dinner. We took a stroll to the CIEE Guanajuato study center and had our own elotes and dori loco bar. Elotes, for those who don't know, are corn on the cobs with mayonnaise, cheese, hot sauce... pretty much anything you want... thrown on top. They are delicious! 

Photo from Chrissy Gill



Dori locos are also a treat. They are a typical Mexican street food made of doritos and a bunch of toppings... and more hot sauce! The best part? You eat them straight out of the bag!

After dinner we took a walking tour of the alleys. Our tour guides were a local group of traditional musicians who sang, danced, told stories, and of course, made us laugh! It was a really fun way to see the city after a long day.


Tomorrow we finally get to meet our host families! I know our kids are super excited!