Campanario Biological Station

Authored By:

Maxine Eisenberg

How to describe our time at Campanario Biological Field Station?


Helena said it was beautiful and she missed it so much.


Ben gave it a 10 out of 10 and said he would go back.


Allen gave it a 20 out of 20, which we explained equals the same thing as 10 out of 10. He subsequently rated it a 20 out of 10, which is a very high score!


Hilcia said she misses the food but not the humidity.


Alyssa said it was a great bonding experience because, without wifi, we actually had to speak to one another (since returning to civilization, we’ve all just been quietly staring at our phones)(only kidding!).


It’s true—our four days at Campanario included natural beauty, group bonding, and more! Here’s some of the things we did:


-Hiked in the rainforest


-Canoed/kayaked up a river, then floated back down said river in our lifejackets

-Swam in the ocean and watched monkeys jump from tree to tree on the shore

-Tried coconut water out of coconuts


Corcovado National Park is the least visited national park in Costa Rica and for this reason it is very pristine and we feel lucky to have experience it.