Camel Ridin' & Mountain Hikin'

Programs for this blog post

Arabic Language & Moroccan Culture

Authored By:

Jalyn McNeal

Saturday was the second day in Marrakech for students.

In the morning, students departed for a mini-excursion to Ourika Valley, located in the Moroccan High Atlas along the Ourika River. It is about 30 km outside of Marrakech, and is essentially populated by Amazigh people.

During the drive to Ourika, students stopped to partake in camel rides while donning traditional Saharan clothing. Students gathered in groups and took turns riding camels on a 20 minute guided tour of a secluded area right on the outskirts of Marrakech, Once students finished with their camel rides, we had a mini-photo shoot and then continued on toward Ourika.

Once in Ourika, students began to hear more of the indigenous Amazigh language being spoken around them in addition to Arabic. Students tested their bartering skills with the jewelry merchants and many got great deals!

After shopping, students had a nice lunch of tajines along the Ourika River while listening to Amazigh musicians. Following lunch, students ventured on a brief hike around Ourika Valley, taking in nature and the calm atmosphere before heading back to Marrakech for a guided tour of the historic Jemaa Elfnaa square and fun in the hotel's pool.