Business Presentations and Winners

Programs for this blog post

Global Entrepreneurship

As mentioned before, the students conducted both primary research (first-hand surveying) and secondary research (reviewing articles, statistics and outside sources) to inform the Bonial staff about the potential market for their two digital products in Berlin, a voice assistant application and a coupon-collecting feature in their retail app.

Along with working on their projects, the students had a very busy schedule of being active tourists and visiting Berlin’s most famous sights. Despite their busy schedule, each group worked diligently, overcame inter-group struggles and differences in opinions, and successfully completed fantastic presentations.

Overall, they learned how to conduct market research, understand target markets, review competitors, create competitive advantages, and work collectively as a team. They learned a lot and after a week long of hard work, our students were ready to contribute their findings to Bonial.

Please have a look at the presentations below and check out who the second place and grand prize winners were.

From right to left: Benjamin Filio, Joseph, Stella, and Pat

Donia, Georgia, Jullit and Brandy

Dominique, Natalie, Amelia, and Yuyang

Tyler, Joshua, and Florian

Grace, Benjamin F, and Joseph

Second Place!!
From right to left: Max, Ethan, Michael, and Jeremy

The Winning Team!!!
From right to left: Yuyang, Dominique, Amelia, Natalie, Will


Congratulations to the winners!! And thank you all for your hard work! We are very proud of all of you! -Robyn