Weekend Trip to Leipzig!

Programs for this blog post

Global Entrepreneurship

Authored By:

Emily Griggs

This past weekend, GE students explored the fascinating historic city of Leipzig! We enjoyed touring the old town and learning more about the incredible legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach and other composers like Mendelssohn and Wagner. Students were treated to an impromptu organ concert in the exquisite St. Thomas church, where Bach performed and was director of music for many years! They saw the real-life inspiration behind Goethe’s Faust, and walked in the footsteps of the Peaceful Revolution that lead to the re-unification of Germany. Saturday evening, we all enjoyed a feasting together in a traditional German restaurant, trying unique dishes like schnitzel and kohlsuppe. On Sunday, we toured the Monument to the Battle of the Nations, the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, which commemorates the defeat of Napolean's French army at Leipzig. The massive structure is 300 ft. tall! Students climbed over 500 steps to a viewing platform at the top where they were rewarded with a fantastic panoramic view of the entire city and beyond. It was well worth the climb!

Other recent highlights were a fun excursion to Plotzensee Lake, where students enjoyed swimming and relaxing on the beach on a hot summer day. Some students even tried their hand at paddleboarding and teamed up for a rousing beach volleyball match! We also enjoyed touring the Futurium, an interactive museum where everything revolves around the question: how do we want to live? Students participated in open discussions and also tried out their own ideas as they explored this big question as it relates to climate change, technology, sustainability, and more. We are eager and excited to enjoy our last week together as Global Entrepreneurs in Berlin!