British Museum Scavenger Hunt - 11 July 2023

Programs for this blog post

Creative Writing in Literary London

Authored By:

Marina Flores

Who doesn’t love some fun competition in the form of a scavenger hunt? The Session 2 Creative Writing students certainly do!

Now, let’s begin by finding a feather skirt, an Aztec serpent, a statue of Venus, a gold llama, and, don’t forget the Rosetta Stone!

On your mark, get set, go!


In groups of eight, students worked with their new friends from the Session 2 Theater Arts program to find numerous artifacts and pieces of art to win a prize at the end. After buzzing around the busy museum, students were able to enhance their cultural and historical literacy just around the corner from the CIEE Center after lunch.

Inside, quickly passing by the other museum goers, students were actively engaged in checking off their group’s scavenger hunt list. From this side of the museum to the other side, from this floor of the museum to that floor, students checked off their lists in a timely fashion.

After completing the scavenger hunt, students were free to roam the museum and embrace a host of other works homed here