Bringing the classroom to life through the streets of Rome!

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Connecting Italian Art, History & Culture

Authored By:

Janet Dills

In the heart of Rome lies a treasure trove of historical and cultural landmarks waiting to be discovered by our students on foot. Starting at the impressive Teatro Marcello, an ancient Roman theater that once hosted grand performances and events, they are instantly transported back in time to the glory days of the Roman Empire. As they stand in awe of the towering ruins and marvel at the architectural splendor, envision the vibrant spectacles that once unfolded within these hallowed walls.

Moving on from Teatro Marcello, the students journey takes them to the Jewish Ghetto, a district steeped in centuries of history and tradition. Explore the winding streets lined with kosher bakeries, quaint shops selling Judaica, and historic synagogues that bear witness to the enduring presence of Rome's Jewish community. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this cultural enclave, where past and present converge in a tapestry of faith, resilience, and heritage.

Continuing their walk towards Largo Argentina and the Pantheon, they encounter a string of majestic churches that stand as testament to Rome's deep religious roots. From the ancient ruins of Largo Argentina, where four Roman temples once stood, to the awe-inspiring Pantheon with its iconic domed ceiling and oculus, you are surrounded by architectural marvels that speak to the city's enduring spiritual legacy.

Along the way, students may stumble upon Santa Maria sopra Minerva, a Gothic gem nestled near the Pantheon, or the charming Santa Maria in Aracoeli perched atop the Capitoline Hill. Each church holds its own unique stories and treasures, inviting you to pause and reflect on their significance in Rome's cultural tapestry.

As students  traverse the cobblestone streets and alleys that connect these historic sites, take a moment to savor the sights, sounds, and flavors of Rome. Indulge in a traditional Roman meal at a trattoria, sample artisanal gelato from a local gelateria, and soak in the vibrant street life that animates the city's bustling thoroughfares.