A Blast From The Past

Programs for this blog post

Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Brooke Dawson

Students had a busy second week! This weeks activities held a "blast from the past" theme as students got the chance to experience many traditional Japanese arts first hand.

We started the week off by learning how to make, drink, and appreciate Japanese green tea. Students learned about the Japanese art of 茶道(sadō: tea ceremony). Professionals spend years mastering the art of the tea ceremony but many students seemed like masters themselves! Each student got the chance to make their own cup of tea and got a sweet Japanese treat called 和菓子(wagashi: traditional Japanese dessert) to pair with the bitter matcha. 

Tuesday we made a visit to a local Japanese high school for students to see what life is like for teens their age halfway across the world! Japanese high school students showed us what their classrooms are like as well as after school activities. Students got the chance to create once in a lifetime friendships by sharing their shared music taste, sports, and of course Instagram-some things are the same no matter where in the world you are!

Speaking of once in a lifetime, students got to see a traditional Kabuki play depicting part of what life was like in Japan hundreds of years ago. One thing about Kabuki is that it is traditional in every way from the old Japanese that is used in it to the all male cast that was an established rule in 1629!

Almost all restaurants in Japan have displays of their menu that look fresh off the grill, Japan has been producing these futuristic 食品サンプル(shokuhin sanpuru: food samples) out of wax since the 1800s. Students got the chance to make their own food samples of many different kinds including various fried foods and even lettuce! 

After another week of classes, students got to go on an overnight trip to Hakone to relax and learn even more. 

In Hakone, students got to make their very own 箱根寄木(hakoneyosegi: hakone wood work). Hakone is famous for its wood crafts and makes the trophy for the annual two day race, students got to see the trophy for the upcoming race! 

Hakone is home to Owakudani National Park, the park is infamous for its black eggs that occur due to the high levels of sulfur as a result of the volcano! While some students tried the eggs, many opted for ice cream to enjoy while exploring the volcanic valley and even got a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji when the clouds passed. 

Lastly, we stopped at Odawara castle to see what life was like during the warring periods in Japan. Students got a tour of the castles area, learned the reason for many architectural structures, saw Samurai armor, and were even lucky enough to go inside the castle!