Bienvenido! Act I, Scene I

Authored By:

Avery Stern

After a long flight, a bit of jetlag, a nice chilled bowl of gazpacho, and a day of orientation, the students in Digital Filmmaking and Documentary program are off and running. Or should we say "recogiendo sus cámaras." Though the weather was predicted to be over 100 degrees the first few days here, students have been gifted a rare but indulgent Andalusian breeze upon arrival.  They have taken advantage of sunny skies and mediterranean temperatures to photograph courtyards and cafes in the morning, and explore Sevilla's cobbled streets with their host families in the evenings.

Everyone has settled in to the rhythms of Spanish culture. Whether it be their zumo de naranja from local oranges at breakfast, or an afternoon siesta - they are appreciating the laid-back vibe Sevilla has to offer and already making insightful comparisons to their own routines at home. 

In addition to taking shadowy photographs and analyzing the power of visual storytelling, students have flexed their Spanish muscles and engaged in interview type conversations with locals under the city's famous "las setas." This evening we are off to enjoy Alfafa Square as a group and get to know eachother a bit better though games and maybe even some helado. Hasta Pronto!