And We're Off...

Programs for this blog post

Inside World Governance

Authored By:

Marybeth Poulin

Sunday was a whirlwind with students arriving from all over the United States! By 3:00 PM we were all together - tired - but ready to explore the hostel's neighborhood. We learned where the grocery store and pharmacy were located and toured through Oosterpark before we had dinner and headed to bed. We were all exhausted!!!

The next day we had orientation at the CIEE office. We had a language lesson and we can all agree that Dutch is not an easy language to learn even though we tried so hard to gurgle out the sounds. 

Hallo! Ik ben Daniel. En jij? Wie ben jij? 

Students also had activities where they shared their perceptions of Amsterdam along with their goals for the program. 

After lunch we had a tram ride to the city center and had a lovely tour from Jan - a resident of Amsterdam - who shared a lot of history about the old and new Amsterdam. We then lounged by the river Ij. 

We headed back to the hostel for a lovely pasta dinner. 

Now, students are enjoying free time by exploring the neighborhood, playing in the park, or hanging out in their rooms. 

It's been an exhilarating first full day, but the best part is seeing the kids interact with each other and making new friends.

 They truly are wonderful young men and women!