Amazing Excursions!

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Youth Development

Authored By:

Anaya Benzan


27 Charcos

To begin our excursion-filled weekend, students were picked up from their homestays to head to the 27 Charcos de Damajagua in Puerto Plata Province. On our way, we listened to music, chatted among peers, and expressed our excitement for the waterfalls. Upon arrival at 27 Charcos, we reviewed the safety expectations, put on life vests and helmets, and took many pictures. To arrive at the first waterfall, we went on a 45-minute hike seeing various fruits, plants, and animals, which students really enjoyed. At the waterfalls, students could decide whether they wanted to walk down stairs, go down the natural slide, or jump! The water was refreshing, beautiful, and blue, which made for incredible pictures. Once we completed the trail, we returned to the main site to eat at the Dominican-style buffet. 


Hacienda Cufa

After the waterfalls, we traveled to Hacienda Cufa, a family-owned cacao farm in Guananico. Here, students learned about the cacao harvesting process, learned how they make chocolate and organic face masks, and had the opportunity to try them themselves. They also tried natural hot chocolate, cookies, and juice before heading to the hotel in Sosúa for dinner. 



Laguna Gri-Gri

On Saturday, we traveled to Río San Juan to participate in a boat ride at Gri Gri Lagoon. On the boat ride, we headed to the “Cueva de las Golondrinas,” where we saw many swallows. The tour guide explained that the swallows only come at this time of year to reproduce, so it was a great experience seeing them fly around. Then, we hopped out of the boat to swim in the natural pool. 


Group Dinner

To conclude the night, everyone dressed up to attend the group dinner. At dinner, we shared our favorite memories from the excursions and sang a lot of karaoke. As a surprise, students were given a personalized woven bracelet with the Dominican flag colors: red, blue, white. 



Beach Day 

On this day, many students woke up early to watch the sunrise and swim in the beach. The weather was perfect for a beach day, so students swam, played games, and searched for fish in the water. Many students also enjoyed spending time at the pool, which was just steps away from the beach. 

Puerto Plata

In the afternoon, we visited the popular pink street called “Paseo de Doña Blanca,” and the umbrella street to visit the local shops and purchase souvenirs. Afterward, the group went to a local ice cream shop, where they enjoyed ice cream served in the flavor’s fruit! 

Weekend Wrap-up 

The fun-filled weekend was a great opportunity for students to connect with one another, try new experiences, and see more of the beautiful Dominican Republic!