
High School Semester Abroad Blog

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Celebrating El Dieciocho

By Ava R.

Last Wednesday was the 18th of September, in the United States it was just a regular day, but here in Chile the whole country was celebrating their patriatism. What is... keep reading


The first two months of an abroad high school adventure

By Maria Paz Montes Monsalve at CIEE

Hello dear readers! This is María Paz, the High School Coordinator of Valparaíso - Chile, and I'm writing this blog to shed light on what happens during the first two... keep reading

Chile; an introduction

By Sofia L.

Cold winds, warm welcoming embraces and romantic poetry; different styles, different food, different money, these summarize the first weeks in Chile but, despite it all, the smiles are not so... keep reading

Reflections From My First Year Home

By Josie M.

As of today, I have been back in the States for a year. I thought that now would be a good time to reflect on how this year has been... keep reading

Weekend Trip to Pucón

By Inga G.

On Thursday night, after a long day of school, I went to bed with a mind full of excitement and anticipation for the morning and the weekend to come. When... keep reading


High School Abroad in Chile - Day Trip to Santiago

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

At the end of February, our High School Abroad in Chile participants took a day trip to Santiago, the capital of Chile. The group visited La Moneda Palace, where the... keep reading


The beginning of a new adventure: High School Abroad Orientation Weeks

By Maria Paz Montes Monsalve at CIEE

These have been busy days for us in Valparaíso! We welcomed our Liberal Arts, Language in Context, and High School Abroad, which is always a time of excitement, adaptation, and... keep reading


Spring 2019 Arrival and Orientation in Valparaíso, Chile

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Earlier this month, a new group of CIEE High School Abroad participants arrived in Chile to start their semester abroad living in the beautiful coastal city of Valparaíso. CIEE's High... keep reading

Tips for Living Abroad

By Rachel B.

I now have a little less than a month in Chile. After living abroad for four months, I have collected a list of some things I should have done or... keep reading


Art, lettering and advertisement

By Maria Paz Montes Monsalve at CIEE

There are a bunch of things that Valparaíso is known for in Chile. Can you name a few? Chorrillana is one of them; trolebuses and ascensores are another; the art... keep reading

San Pedro de Atacama

By Rachel B.

Day 1: Thursday night at 10 pm I began packing. As we know, I’m a procrastinator and that includes absolutely everything. I decided to stay up until 2 am, which... keep reading

School in Chile

By Rachel B.

I have now been going to school in Chile for two months. Because of this, I have noticed the many differences between school here and school in the US. School... keep reading

Day Trip to Santiago

By Sawyer R.

Today I gazed out at the breathtaking city of Santiago from atop the tallest building in all of South America. This was all thanks to CIEE and our CIEE Leader... keep reading

Fiestas Patrias

By Rachel B.

This past week, I did not have school. This is the week of fiestas patrias, the celebration of Chile’s birthday. For over a little over a week, the city has... keep reading

How Do You Feel About Chile?

By Isabella J.

I feel like when people imagine living life abroad, they think that life is going to be drastically different, that everything they've known is going to be unapparent. For me... keep reading