
Authored By:

Eliza M.

I don't really have anything all that interesting to talk about but I'm having a lazy Sunday so I thought I'd share the pictures I took this week.

Going wild with the shutter speed settings...

But kinda cool, right? Like the sky is crying starts or something. Or everyone on the ground has light sabers.

This is just cool. It's like La Giralda (the tower on the right side of the picture) is leading a charge of burning torches.. Maybe my imagination takes these pictures too far but I love it.

SUCH a beautiful day today.. So sunny, no clouds, and like 60 degrees (in the sun).

Patches chillin' in the crib.

Took a walk in the park and read some and took some pics..

Sporting some fresh nails courtesy of Eli's 12 year old host sister, Eva.

Ok, yeah, that's all I got. Xo hasta luego..