seville alcazar interior
Seville, Spain

International Business + Culture

Study Program Part-Time Internship



19 weeks



15 - 18 semester hours

22.5 - 27 quarter hours


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Tentative Dates


17 weeks



15 - 18 semester hours

22.5 - 27 quarter hours


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17 weeks



15 - 18 semester hours

22.5 - 27 quarter hours


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39 weeks



15 - 18 semester hours

22.5 - 27 quarter hours


Application Deadline

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Immerse yourself in Spain's most beautiful city, Seville, where you'll be taken back to its cultural past while appreciating its modernizing present during the International Business + Culture program. Designed for students from various academic backgrounds, you can enroll in classes in business, economics, marketing, communication, history, psychology, literature, chemistry, biology, and more in English or Spanish at CIEE's partner school, University Pablo de Olavide (UPO). Students can also add a for-credit internship to their program to gain real-world, practical international work experience.

Outside the classroom, students will appreciate all Seville has to offer. From the scent of the jasmine and orange blossoms to relishing in impromptu guitar music in the streets to indulging in mouth-watering tapas to learning Seville's traditional Sevillana dance, you are sure to love your time abroad with CIEE in Spain's most authentic city.  

Unique Experiences

Gain Valuable Work Experience

and get front-line perspective by participating in an optional credit-bearing internship in a Spanish company. Learn from company managers at Spanish and international companies like Inés Rosales, Basilippo, Xtraice, or Ybarra via company visits.

Develop Intercultural Skills

that are essential for success in a global interdependent economy.

Choose Classes in English or Spanish

and explore the European economy, carry out field research in ecology, learn about foreign exchange markets, analyze how exercise enhances mood, examine the role of strategic business management in a globalized world, and more.


Historical Palaces and Iconic Monuments


Miles From the Atlantic Ocean

500 K

Orange Trees in the City

  • seville dome and spire
  • Seville two girls smiling with skyline in background
  • celebration in seville spain study abroad group

Your Destination

Seeking a life-changing experience in Spain? Then Seville is your destination. International Business and Culture students will have the chance to live in a vibrant cosmopolitan city with many opportunities to experience the business entrepreneurial personality of Sevillanos firsthand. Don’t miss the occasion to explore the city’s colorful streets, become captivated by the immemorial culture surrounding you, and fall in love with the heart of Andalucia. Discover a city brimming with life and history and learn how it has evolved through the centuries and inspired the rest of the world.  

Seville is a welcoming city that will captivate you immediately. Enjoy its tranquility and wander the streets during the day, taking in the Guadalquivir River, followed by tapas and flamenco, the highest form of art and expression in Southern Spain. The cuisine of Seville is an art form in itself and boasts very special regional artisan dishes. And don’t forget about the city’s great nightlife and incredible weather all year round.  

CIEE Seville is in the historic downtown neighborhood of “Santa Cruz”, very close to University of Seville’s main campus. Study and make local friends in an 18th-century Palace while enjoying a large variety of weekly cultural activities and events. No better way to improve your intercultural skills and abilities.

CIEE wants all our students to feel welcomed, supported, and empowered to succeed while studying abroad. Local CIEE staff have provided details about conditions and cultural attitudes that students with specific identities might encounter in Seville.

The Culture

seville flamenco class

Other Excursions & Activities

  • Get to know local Spanish students through fun and engaging activities of exclusive Global Discussion events and meetings 
  • Join in campus activities at University Pablo de Olavide – choir, cinema, sports, fitness, volunteering – there are lots to choose from. Explore beyond Seville and participate in overnights, day trips, and excursions to discover other Spanish cities in the region of Andalucía. Past destinations included Córdoba, Cádiz, Málaga, Jerez de la Frontera, Ronda, Aracena, and many others. 
  • Engage in fun sport activities and workshops such as bike tours, wine tastings, cooking, flamenco, ceramics classes, and many more. Try kayaking at the Guadalquivir River at sunset or hiking in the “Sierra Norte.” 
  • Become a Sevillano and experience Seville’s social fabric while engaging with the local community. Seville’s lifestyle will make you fall in love with Spain’s traditions and customs.  
Seville student working at internship


Volunteer: Give back and create a deeper connection to Seville’s local community. Students have opportunities to volunteer at local NGOs, local associations and organizations, youth centers, and more 

Students interested in one of the following Academic Projects must submit additional materials as part of their course selection: 

  • Internships. There are plenty of options to earn credit and beef up your resume with international experience in the Spanish working market. Help improve logistics and customer relations, build finance reports in Excel, analyze competitors, develop marketing plans, audit local Andalusian companies, and more.  
  • Independent Research Project Gain credit completing an individual research course in a field of special interest under the supervision of a local faculty member. The central goal is a substantive paper or written report containing significant analysis and interpretation of a previously approved topic. 
seville student teacher with kids

Local Engagement

Cultural Language Assistant: Become an ambassador of the US at local public schools in Seville. You will be collaborating with local teachers facilitating fun and engaging intercultural activities with children and/or teenagers.   

“Mejor en Español” conversation exchange program: Peer to -peer language-related activities along with local university students to improve your Spanish language skills and abilities by leaps and bounds. 

Program Blogs



By Alayna Brown at CIEE

Spring Greetings from Seville! Spring has arrived to Seville, the orange blossoms are in full bloom and a few remnants from last week´s Semana Santa holiday can still be found... keep reading



By Antonio Romero Martin at CIEE

¡Bienvenidos a Sevilla! SEVILLE ARRIVAL The Spring18 students arrived to Seville a few days after Los Reyes holiday…jetlagged but excited to begin their semester study abroad. Students began the semester... keep reading


International Business and Culture Program, Fall 2017, Issue I

By Alayna Brown at CIEE

¡Bienvenidos a Sevilla! The Seville International Business and Culture students have had a productive first few weeks! Upon arrival, students participated in key orientation sessions in which they discussed homestay... keep reading

What People are Saying

  • "I absolutely loved the program, I thought the two week intensive was very integral to my success in Spanish, my host family was incredible, and I loved Sevilla. If I could go back and do it all again I would!"

    Monika F., Belmont University

  • "CIEE made everything very clear to me, from billing to program requirements to itineraries once I arrived to my study abroad destination. The staff at CIEE Seville were incredibly welcoming, supportive, and understanding, and they made my study abroad experience very positive."

    Isabelle J., University of Illinois at Chicago

  • "I loved the internship opportunity and the homestay aspect. People are very helpful and kind as well."

    Kendall A., Santa Clara University

  • "I have had a great experience with an amazing program"

    Elissa C., Gettysburg College



This program is geared toward students with beginning to intermediate-level Spanish language skills who wish to improve these skills while selecting from a wide variety of courses taught in English.  Students can fulfill school requirements by enrolling in classes for international students at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) in subject areas like international relations, psychology, chemistry, biology, business, history, literature, and more.  Students can also enroll in a maximum of two direct-enroll courses, in Spanish or English, alongside their Spanish peers.  Prior to departure for Seville, all students take a scheduled CIEE online placement exam.  Results determine appropriate placement in language courses. Placement in many upper-level courses depends on a high score.

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) – With nearly 11,000 students, UPO is the second-largest state university in Seville. Its 345-acre campus is 30 minutes from the center of the city.  UPO offers undergraduate and graduate programs in traditional majors, as well as other areas, from biotechnology to translation.  Modern facilities include campus-wide internet access, sports facilities, science labs, and more.  

CIEE Seville – Our home is a beautifully renovated palace, originally built in 1725, and includes classrooms, a computer room, student services, Language Resource Center, and Center Staff.

Arizona State University: Enhance your international academic coursework with optional online courses that best align with your degree requirements and interests. ASU offers thousands of online courses in asynchronous 7.5-week sessions that fit within the CIEE academic calendar, so you can study abroad with CIEE while continuing to meet all your academic goals.

Note for students taking courses directly from Host Institution(s): Students are required to stay in Seville until they have completed their exams. Official host institutions’ fall exams are in January, and official host institutions’ spring exams are in June. However, early exams in December and May may be possible, and they should be confirmed on an individual basis with the professor at the start of the regular semester session, during the add/drop period. Please note that it is up to the discretion of each professor to allow the taking of final exams before the start of the official examination period. As it is impossible to confirm your exam schedule prior to your arrival, if your priority is to leave Seville as soon as your university finals are finished, please book an airline ticket with a low change fee or a flexible departure date. 

Language placement – Prior to departure for Seville, all students take an online placement exam. Results determine appropriate placement in language courses. Placement in many upper-level courses depends on a high score.

Language support – Our Language Resource Center is staffed by language professors and Spanish students majoring in Spanish philology, who help students with reading, writing, comprehension, and speaking. Tutorials on university course content are also offered. Students agree to speak only Spanish to encourage language and cultural acquisition.

Internship Placement – Participate in our “Internship Fair” and practice your interview skills. Placement is determined by language ability, job skills, and background. Because Spanish firms make final selections, internships in a particular company are not guaranteed. Students have interned for organizations like Marketing Publicidad, Simetrycal, Mail Boxes, CLIC, CyO Arquitectos as well as smaller firms and companies. 



Additional Requirements

Please refer to the detailed Program Essential Eligibility Criteria.

Individual courses may have additional prerequisites; for CIEE courses, these are listed in the syllabi below. Students are responsible for having their own course approval conversations with their advisors. Your study abroad advisor and CIEE staff can help you understand your course options if you don't see a recommendation that fits your course needs.


Students must take five to six courses, for a total of 15-18 semester credits, including: 

  • One two-week intensive Spanish language course, depending on results from a placement exam. 
    • SPAN 1503 IBC Intensive Pre-Elementary Spanish I 
    • SPAN 1504 IBC Intensive Pre-Elementary Spanish II 
    • SPAN 2503 IBC Intensive Pre-Intermediate Spanish I 
    • SPAN 2504 IBC Intensive Pre-Intermediate Spanish II 
    • SPAN 3503 IBC Intensive Pre-Advanced Spanish I 
  • Four to five semester language or elective courses. 
    • CIEE COMM 3301 CSCS (ENG) Intercultural Communication and Leadership   
    • Internship Seminar (optional) CIEE INSH 3802 CSCS Internship Seminar 
    • Elective courses at University Pablo de Olavide (UPO MSP) 
    • Up to two host institution classes at University Pablo de Olavide (PIU) 
  • Online Course Options: substitute up to 6 credits online through ASU (after required minimum 12 credits in-person courses)

Program Credit

Total credit: 15-18 semester/22.5-27 quarter credits 

Course Credit

  • CIEE courses: 3 semester/4.5 quarter credits; 45 contact hours, unless otherwise noted. 
  • CIEE Internship: 3 semester/4.5 quarter credits; 15 seminar hours, 100 internship placement hours. 
  • University Pablo de Olavide International Center (UPO MSP) courses: 3 semester/4.5 quarter credits; 45 contact hours, unless otherwise noted. 
  • University Pablo de Olavide Integration Program (PIU) courses: 3 semester/4.5 quarter credits; 45 contact hours, unless otherwise noted. 

Individual courses may have additional prerequisites; for CIEE courses, these are listed in the syllabi below. Students are responsible for having their own course approval conversations with their advisors. Your study abroad advisor and CIEE staff can help you understand your course options if you don't see a recommendation that fits your course needs.

Academic Culture

Class attendance is mandatory, students are expected to complete work and exams as scheduled. During fall semester, there is no extended vacation period.  During spring semester, there are two: Semana Santa (one-week duration) and Feria de Abril (one-week duration).  Semana Santa is normally the week before Easter. Feria de Abril is normally two weeks after Easter. 

Class Format

CIEE Intensive Spanish Session classes meet Monday through Friday during the first two weeks of the semester.  Regular semester classes at the University Pablo de Olavide (UPO) are scheduled Monday through Thursday, and most meet twice a week. UPO University Integration Program (PIU) direct enrollment courses meet twice a week with possible classes on Fridays.  UPO  PIU. classes are designed for students who wish to integrate themselves fully into a Spanish university.  CIEE classes and UPO classes for international students are small and interactive and do not include Spanish students. 

UPO direct-enroll courses may be larger in size, include Spanish and other international students, and be more lecture-based; Spanish and European international students have registration priority in UPO direct enroll classes; CIEE student registration in direct enroll classes is not guaranteed and takes place on-site. UPO direct enroll courses go until the end of the regular semester.  Students interested in enrolling in a direct enroll course may have to stay a week longer in the fall or a month longer in the spring. 


CIEE and UPO classes for international students: Class attendance is mandatory, and participation is part of student assessment. Students should expect to complete all assignments and exams as scheduled. Students are graded on midterm and final examinations, papers, presentations, class participation, and attendance. UPO direct-enroll content courses: Professors give assignments as well as exams, and participation may or may not be factored into the final grade.  Numerical grades are given on a 10-point scale and converted to the U.S. scale. 

Individual courses may have additional prerequisites; for CIEE courses, these are listed in the syllabi below. Students are responsible for having their own course approval conversations with their advisors. Your study abroad advisor and CIEE staff can help you understand your course options if you don't see a recommendation that fits your course needs.

Language of Instruction

English and Spanish

Individual courses may have additional prerequisites; for CIEE courses, these are listed in the syllabi below. Students are responsible for having their own course approval conversations with their advisors. Your study abroad advisor and CIEE staff can help you understand your course options if you don't see a recommendation that fits your course needs.


Course Information

  • UPO MSP courses are for international students, mostly from the U.S., and are taught in English or Spanish. Students who take UPO MSP courses in Spanish must also be enrolled in CIEE language courses, SPAN 2504 IBCP or SPAN 3503 IBCP. 
  • PIU course enrollment is not guaranteed as Spanish and ERASMUS students have registration priority. Students should not select these courses to fulfill graduation or other major requirements. Enrollment is limited to two courses and is finalized onsite. Students can request to take the PIU final exam early with course professor approval once onsite. If denied, students must take the final exam during the official exam period (normally two weeks to one month after the IBC program end date). 

First-year courses at the University of Seville are not available for international students. 

All students who take direct matriculation courses must stay to complete their classes and exams. Exact final exam dates will not be available until the beginning of the semester. CIEE Seville staff will be able to help students enroll in courses with early exams if necessary. 

*The Multidisciplinary Studies Program (MSP) was formally known as the Hispanic Studies Program (HSP).

Academic Projects

Semester Credit

Communication, Journalism, and Media

Semester Credit

Languages and Cultural Studies

Semester Credit

Academic Projects

Semester Credit

Communication, Journalism, and Media

Semester Credit

Languages and Cultural Studies

Semester Credit

Universidad Pablo de Olavide International Center 


The following courses, taught in English or Spanish, are typically offered by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide International Center. The student population in these courses consists of international students, mostly from the United States.  

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester. Courses are usually 3 credits unless otherwise noted. 

Please note that syllabi on this site are the most up to date available syllabi but may not be for the current semester. Syllabi can be found online.  


Spanish Laboratory - Elementary (in Spanish) 
Contact hours: 1hr/week. Credit: 1 semester hours 
Elementary Spanish I & II - Intensive Course (in Spanish) 
Contact hours: 90. Credit: 6 semester/9 quarter hours 
Elementary Spanish II (in Spanish)  
Intermediate Spanish I (in Spanish) 
Intermediate Spanish II (in Spanish) 
Spanish Reading and Composition – Intermediate (in Spanish) 
Spanish Conversation – Intermediate I (in Spanish) 
Spanish Conversation – Intermediate II (in Spanish) 
Spanish for the Health Sciences - Intermediate (in Spanish) 


*Students must test into Advanced Spanish to enroll in the below courses: 

Spanish Conversation - Advanced (in Spanish) 
Advanced Spanish I (in Spanish) 
Advanced Spanish II (in Spanish)  
Spanish Reading and Composition - Advanced (in Spanish) 
Basic Bilingual Negotiation Skills Spanish/English (in Spanish)  
Spanish for Business (in Spanish)  
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (in Spanish) 
Spanish-English/English-Spanish Translation (in Spanish) 
Spanish Pragmatics and Communication (in Spanish)  


Health, Healing and Culture: An Introduction to Medical Anthropology (in English) 


Anatomy and Physiology II (in English) 
Credits: 4 semester credits, 33 hours of lab 

Applied Microbiology (in English) 
Credits: 4 semester credits, 33 hours of lab 

Organic Chemistry I (in English) 
Credits: 5 semester credits, 40 hours of lab 

Organic Chemistry II (in English)  
Credits: 5 semester credits, approximately 40 hours of lab/ 7.5 quarter hours. Enrollment limited. 

Ecological Systems (in English) 
Credits: 3 semester credits, 5 hours of lab 

The Mediterranean Diet: From Fiction to Facts (in English) 


Cultural Psychology (in English) 
General Sports Psychology (in English) 
Social Psychology (in English) 


The European Union (in English) 
The Global Economy (in English) 
International Economics (in English) 
International Finance (in Spanish and English) 
International Management (in English) 
International Marketing (in Spanish and English)  
International Financial Accounting (in English) 
Entrepreneurship and New Ventures (in English) 
International Human Resource Management (In English)  

Organizational Theory (in English) - A previous introductory course in business management is recommended. 


Intercultural Communication (in Spanish) 
Communication and Media in the Digital Age (in English) 
Spanish Identity: Film, Advertising and Pop Music (in English) 


Film Nations: Comparative Perspectives on Spanish and U.S. Cinema (in English) 
History of Spanish Art (in English) 
History of Spanish Cinema During the Democracy (in Spanish) 
Seville: The Expression of a City through its Art (in Spanish) 


History of Spain (in English) 
Spain in the 21st Century: from the Civil War to Democracy Today (in Spanish) 
Ancient and Medieval Spanish History: From Altamira to Isabella and Ferdinand (Prehistory to 1500) (in English)Early Modern and Modern Spanish History: From Isabella and Ferdinand to the Euro (1450 - the present) (in English)  
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in the Spanish Context (in English) 
Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish) 


Panorama of Latin America Literature I (Pre-1820) (in Spanish)  
Panorama of Latin America Literature 2 (Post-1820) (in Spanish)  
Nobel Prizes in Spanish and Latin American Literature (in English)  
Contemporary Spanish Literature (in Spanish)  
The Latin American Short Story (in Spanish) Spanish Literature: The Spanish Golden Age: El Quijote (in Spanish)  
Women and Spanish Literature (19th-20th centuries) (in Spanish)  


Current Affairs in Latin America: Press and Cinema (in Spanish)  
U.S.-European Relations Since World War II (in English) Relations Between the U.S. and the Latin World (in Spanish)  
Contemporary Spanish Politics (in English)  
The Road to Democracy in Portugal, Greece, and Spain (in English)  


Culture and Society in Spain (in English and Spanish) 
Spanish Culture and History through Film (in English)Historical Ties Between Spain and the U.S. (in English)  
Tapas: A Window to Spanish Cuisine and Culture (in Spanish)  
Medieval Spain: Christians, Jews, and Muslims (in Spanish)  
History of Flamenco in Spain: Theory and Practice (in Spanish)  


Universidad Pablo de Olavide Integration Program (PIU) 

The following courses, taught in English, are host institution courses typically offered by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide Integration Program (PIU). The student population in these courses consists of Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spanish students and international students. 

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester. Courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted. 

CIEE Seville International Business and Culture students cannot pre-enroll in these courses but can keep them in mind as possible class options. ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED. Official enrollment takes place onsite. Students should not select UPO PIU courses to fulfill graduation or other major requirements. 

Students can request to take the PIU final exam early with course professor approval once onsite. If denied, students must take the final exam during the official exam period (normally two weeks to one month after the IBC program end date). 

International Business and Culture students can enroll in a maximum of two UPO Integration Program courses.  

*Direct Enroll courses in Spanish are also available. 

Students interested in these courses should thoroughly review the course syllabi. Syllabi can be found online.  


Introduction to Financial Accounting (in English) 

Intermediate Financial Accounting (in English) 
Prerequisite: It is advisable to have taken Introduction to Financial Accounting. 

Financial Statements Analysis (in English) 
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a Financial Accounting course. 

Management Accounting (in English) 
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Financial Accounting and an understanding of concepts such as asset / liability, expense / income and insights on accrual. 

Advanced Financial Accounting (in English) 

Introduction to Economics (in English)  
Prerequisites: Students should have a solid grasp of mathematics, particularly graphics analysis, graphing functions, and basic calculus 

Applied Economics (in English)  
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of consumer theory, production theory and the meaning of main macroeconomic indicators, as well as the ability to use graphic and analytical tools. 

Business Law (in English) 
Economic History (in English)  
Economic Sociology (in English) 
Macroeconomics (in English) 
Monetary Policy and the Financial System (in English) 
Markets, Strategies and Regulation (in English) 
Business Tax Law (in English)  

International Economics (in English)  
Prerequisites: Knowledge of micro and macroeconomics, consumer theory, production theory and the macro magnitudes, as well as with graphical and analytical tools relative to those concepts. 

Statistical and Econometric Methods for Business (in English) 
Prerequisites: Student should have knowledge of mathematics, descriptive statistics, statistical inference, and economic theory. 

Financial Management I (in English) 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of introductory courses in accounting, statistics, and business administration. 

Financial Management II (in English)  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Financial Management I or equivalent 

Financial Statements Analysis (in English) 
Introduction to Business Management (in English)  
Business Management (in English)  
Human Resources Management (in English)  
Innovation Management (in English)  

Management Information Systems (in English)  
Prerequisites: Students are required to have a working knowledge of computing using the Microsoft Windows operating system. They should have a basic understanding of ICT and feel comfortable using internet and common network applications 

Operations Management I (in English) 
Prerequisites: Basic business administration knowledge 

Operations Management II (in English) 
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Operations Management I or equivalent. 

Corporate Management and Business Ethics (in English) 
Enterprising Initiative and Family Business (in English) 
Management Accounting (in English) 
Organizational Theory (in English) 
Prerequisite: Knowledge of business management recommended. 

Strategic Management I (in English)   

Strategic Management II (in English)  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Strategic Management I or equivalent. 


Market Research Techniques (in English)  
Marketing Management I (in English) 

Marketing Management II (in English)  
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Marketing Management I or equivalent 

Sectorial Marketing (in English) 
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Marketing Management I and II or the equivalent is highly recommended. 

Business Statistics I (in English)  
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Mathematics I for solving equation systems, optimization, and simple-multiple integration. 

Business Statistics I (in English)  
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Mathematics I for solving equation systems, optimization, and simple-multiple integration. 
Business Statistics II (in English)  
Prerequisite: Business statistics or equivalent recommended. 

Statistical and Econometric Methods for Business (in English)  
Financial Mathematics (in English)  
Prerequisite: Basic mathematical knowledge 

Mathematics for Business I (in English)  
Prerequisite: Basic mathematical knowledge (algebra, linear equations, etc.) 

Mathematics for Business II (in English) 
Prerequisites: Completion of Mathematics for Business I or equivalent highly recommended. 


Animal Physiology (in English)  
Prerequisites: General knowledge of biology and an understanding of the essential concepts of physics and chemistry 

Biochemistry: Metabolism and its Regulation (in English) 
Prerequisites: Knowledge in cell biology, organic chemistry, structure of biomolecules, bioenergetics and enzymology 

Cellular Biology (in English)  
Prerequisites: Knowledge in the cell and its structure via a cell biology manual 

Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (in English) 
Prerequisites: High school math, physics, and chemistry 

General Chemistry (in English)  
Prerequisites: High school math, physics, and chemistry 

Genetic Engineering (in English)  
Prerequisites: The use of biological and scientific databases is highly recommended 

Molecular Diagnostics (in English) 
Prerequisites: General knowledge in genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry 

Physics (in English)  
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of basic mathematics, including linear and quadratic equations, simple sets of linear equations, trigonometry, and the properties of logarithms and determinants 

Reproductive Technology and Gene Therapy (in English) 
Prerequisites: Knowledge in genetics, embryology and physiology 

Genetics (in English) 
Prerequisites: The use of biological and scientific databases is highly recommended. 

Microbial Physiology and Metabolism (in English)  
Prerequisites: Coursework in thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, cell biology, genetics, biochemistry (biomolecules), biochemistry (metabolism and its regulation), genetic engineering and microbiology is recommended. 

Molecular Genetics (in English)  
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of general genetics, genetic analysis, and genetic engineering.   

Pharmacology and Toxicology (in English)  
Prerequisites: Students must have knowledge in biochemistry (enzyme kinetics), physiology (excretion), and cell biology (cell/tissue structure) areas. A brief overview of each prior to this course is recommended. 

Techniques and Instrumental Analysis (in English) 
Prerequisites: Knowledge of general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, thermodynamics and chemistry kinetics and bioanalytical chemistry. 

Cellular Biology (in English) 
Prerequisites: Previous user-level computer knowledge (office package and internet browsing) is recommended 

Endocrinology and Metabolism (in English) 
Prerequisites: Knowledge of physiology, cellular biology, biochemistry and/or anatomy. 

Nutritional Epidemiology (in English) 
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel. 

Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (in English)  

Environmental and Quality Management Systems (in English)  
Prerequisites: Knowledge of environmental regulation, air pollution, water waste management, solid waste management, land, and energy management 

Natural Hazards (in English) 
Prerequisites: Basic math, physics and geology are strongly recommended 

Sampling Methods in Ecology (in English)  
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the natural sciences 


Archaeology (in English)  
Prerequisite: Minimum knowledge of the historical and cultural evolution of the Mediterranean in the referred chronological and geographical sphere. 

Art History (in English)  
Early Modern History (in English) 

Classical Backgrounds to European Culture (in English)  
Fundamentals of History I (in English)  

History of Europe and the World (in English) 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Modern History and Medieval History 

Geographic Information Systems (in English) 
Prerequisite: Previous coursework in geography. 

Physical Geography (in English)  

Comparative Law and Unification of Law (in English)  
Prerequisites: Legal knowledge derived from having taken the subjects of previous modules 

Constitutional Law II: Fundamental Rights (in English)  
Prerequisites: Students are encouraged not to see this course as a purely theoretical approach to law; it is highly recommended to bring a text of the 1978 Spanish Constitution. 

Public International Law  

International Relations (in English) 


Introduction to Sociology (in English) 
Political Sociology (in English) 
Economic Sociology (in English) 
Cognitive Base of Social Interactions and Communication (in English) 

CIEE proudly partners with ASU to deliver asynchronous, 100% online coursework that aligns with your degree requirements from anywhere you study abroad.

CIEE and ASU offer courses online per program eligibility, at no additional charge. Be sure to review online courses with your home school advisor.

Check the CIEE Program Dates and ASU start dates below to maximize course options within your program! 

Search ASU Online Courses >

Program Options
Program Options

Note: This course listing is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract between CIEE and any applicant, student, institution, or other party. The courses, as described, may be subject to change as a result of ongoing curricular revisions, assignment of lecturers and teaching staff, and program development. Courses may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment.
"(GI)" denotes courses that originated at CIEE's Global Institutes and that are offered at multiple CIEE sites.


Discover Internship Opportunities

We're excited you're considering this program! Next, explore the types of internships you can choose from for an epic internship abroad with CIEE Study Abroad.

Explore Industry Options

Seville's vibrant and diverse work scene is largely driven by tourism, cultural industries, and a growing tech sector. Startup opportunities are rising across the city, all within a relaxed atmosphere that values work-life balance and social interaction, making it an appealing hub for professionals and entrepreneurs. 

A female intern sits in front of a studio A/V board while recording

Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications

Immerse yourself in today's cutting-edge global media by working in film studios, media companies, the theater, and more.

Business Management and Administration Internships

Business Management and Administration

Study international business practices, multicultural leadership, and global market dynamics in Scotland, China, and more.

A intern teacher works with her students in the classroom

Education and Training

Experience international teaching methodologies and curriculum development in classrooms around Jordan, Spain, and more.

Female finance intern presenting to coworkers at a whiteboard in a conference room


Study global markets, financial systems, and cross-border investment strategies in international firms, banks, and companies.

student interns standing in Spanish Parliament

Government and Public Administration

Gain insight into global policy-making, diplomatic relations, and governance practices in agencies, nonprofits, and firms.

A restaurant manager reviews information on a table with a chef

Hospitality and Tourism

Polish your hospitality management skills by studying global tourism practices, customer service excellence, and more.

Browse Internship Opportunities

Explore internship placements available through this program to find the right fit for your academic and professional goals.

Disclaimer: Internship placements are subject to availability and host employer hiring discretion. Application and payment of CIEE fees does not guarantee specific placement. This internship listing is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract between CIEE and any applicant, student, institution, or other party.


Scholarships & Grants

CIEE offers scholarships and grants annually to help students like you make your study abroad dream a reality.

Students who apply to this program are eligible for the following scholarships and grants:

  • Ping Scholarships for Academic Excellence
  • Global Access Initiative (GAIN) Grants
  • CIEE Gilman Go Global Grant
  • MSI Grant

To be considered, submit the CIEE Scholarships & Grants application within your CIEE program application.

Learn more about scholarships

Dates & Fees

Dates & Fees

You get more for every dollar when you study abroad with CIEE, because our high-quality programs include everything from excursions to insurance. There are no hidden charges, and no disappointing surprises when you arrive.


Application Due

Start Date

End Date

Fees & Housing

Program Spring 2025 19 weeks Application Due Deadline Passed Start Date End Date Fees & Housing $18,950
Program Fall 2025 17 weeks Start Date * End Date * Fees & Housing $18,950
Program Fall 2024 17 weeks Application Due Deadline Passed Start Date End Date Fees & Housing $18,950
Program Academic year 2024-2025 39 weeks Application Due Deadline Passed Start Date End Date Fees & Housing $36,950

*Dates for this program are provided as tentative dates. Please consult with your study abroad advisor to confirm dates before purchasing your flights.

To help you budget, keep in mind that students are responsible for the cost of international airfare, local transportation, books and supplies, visas, and personal expenses. In addition, your college or university may charge additional fees for study abroad, or may require you to receive a transcript via CIEE's School of Record, which carries an additional fee of $500.

Program Fees

CIEE offers the most student support of any provider in its program fee, including an airport greeting, full-time leadership and support, orientation, cultural activities, local excursions, pre-departure advising, and CIEE iNext travel protection with benefits.

Participation Confirmation = $300*

Educational Costs = $13,456**

Housing = $5,000***

Insurance = $194

Total Fees = $18,950

Estimated Costs

Students are responsible and manage costs related to travel, meals, books, and personal expenses. Below are estimates for consideration.

Meals not included in program fee = $0

International Airfare = $1,250††

Local Transportation = $160†††

Books & Supplies = $60

Visa Fees = $160

Potential travel to consulate for visa = $500

Personal expenses = $300††††

Total Costs = $2,430

Optional Housing

CIEE accommodation options are detailed in the Housing section. Based on availability, Select or Select Plus Housing can be chosen during the application process for an additional fee. Housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis; however, other factors may also be considered.

Select Housing Fee = $750

Financial Aid

CIEE offers the most grants and scholarships of any study abroad organization, including $8 million/year in travel grants, merit-based scholarships, institutional and MSI grants, and Gilman Go Global Grants.

See Scholarships

*non-refundable fee

**direct cost of education charged uniformly to all students

***Housing fees listed are for financial aid purposes only and should not be considered a basis for calculation of refunds.

For students in homestays, families provide all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For students in residence halls/apartments, you should budget approx. $260 per month for groceries if you plan on making your own meals, and more if you plan on eating out regularly.

††round-trip based on U.S. East Coast departure

†††40 dollars/month

††††$100 emergency fund + cell phone expense + toiletries

Program Fees

CIEE offers the most student support of any provider in its program fee, including an airport greeting, full-time leadership and support, orientation, cultural activities, local excursions, pre-departure advising, and CIEE iNext travel protection with benefits.

Participation Confirmation = $300*

Educational Costs = $13,456**

Housing = $5,000***

Insurance = $194

Total Fees = $18,950

Estimated Costs

Students are responsible and manage costs related to travel, meals, books, and personal expenses. Below are estimates for consideration.

Meals not included in program fee = $0

International Airfare = $1,250††

Local Transportation = $160†††

Books & Supplies = $60

Visa Fees = $160

Potential travel to consulate for visa = $500

Personal expenses = $260††††

Total Costs = $2,390

Financial Aid

CIEE offers the most grants and scholarships of any study abroad organization, including $8 million/year in travel grants, merit-based scholarships, institutional and MSI grants, and Gilman Go Global Grants.

See Scholarships

*non-refundable fee

**direct cost of education charged uniformly to all students

***Housing fees listed are for financial aid purposes only and should not be considered a basis for calculation of refunds.

For students in homestays, families provide all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For students in residence halls/apartments, you should budget approx. $260 per month for groceries if you plan on making your own meals, and more if you plan on eating out regularly.

††Round-trip based on U.S. East Coast departure

†††Transportation card $40 per month.

††††$100 emergency fund + cell phone expense + toiletries

Program Fees

CIEE offers the most student support of any provider in its program fee, including an airport greeting, full-time leadership and support, orientation, cultural activities, local excursions, pre-departure advising, and CIEE iNext travel protection with benefits.

Participation Confirmation = $300*

Educational Costs = $13,956**

Housing = $4,500***

Insurance = $194

Total Fees = $18,950

Estimated Costs

Students are responsible and manage costs related to travel, meals, books, and personal expenses. Below are estimates for consideration.

Meals not included in program fee = $0

International Airfare = $1,250††

Local Transportation = $160†††

Books & Supplies = $60

Visa Fees = $160

Potential travel to consulate for visa = $500

Personal expenses = $260††††

Other = $40†††††

Total Costs = $2,430

Optional Housing

CIEE accommodation options are detailed in the Housing section. Based on availability, Select or Select Plus Housing can be chosen during the application process for an additional fee. Housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis; however, other factors may also be considered.

Select Housing Fee = $750

Financial Aid

CIEE offers the most grants and scholarships of any study abroad organization, including $8 million/year in travel grants, merit-based scholarships, institutional and MSI grants, and Gilman Go Global Grants.

See Scholarships

*non-refundable fee

**direct cost of education charged uniformly to all students

***Housing fees listed are for financial aid purposes only and should not be considered a basis for calculation of refunds.

For students in homestays, families provide all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For students in residence halls/apartments, you should budget approx. $260 per month for groceries if you plan on making your own meals, and more if you plan on eating out regularly.

††Round-trip based on U.S. East Coast departure

†††Transportation card $40 per month.

††††$100 emergency fund + cell phone expense + toiletries

†††††Covid test fees for entry to the US, if required

Program Fees

CIEE offers the most student support of any provider in its program fee, including an airport greeting, full-time leadership and support, orientation, cultural activities, local excursions, pre-departure advising, and CIEE iNext travel protection with benefits.

Participation Confirmation = $300*

Educational Costs = $26,956**

Housing = $9,500***

Insurance = $194

Total Fees = $36,950

Estimated Costs

Students are responsible and manage costs related to travel, meals, books, and personal expenses. Below are estimates for consideration.

Meals not included in program fee = $0

International Airfare = $1,250††

Local Transportation = $320†††

Books & Supplies = $120

Visa Fees = $160

Potential travel to consulate for visa = $500

Personal expenses = $560††††

Other = $40†††††

Expenses during break = $600††††††

Total Costs = $3,550

Optional Housing

CIEE accommodation options are detailed in the Housing section. Based on availability, Select or Select Plus Housing can be chosen during the application process for an additional fee. Housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis; however, other factors may also be considered.

Select Housing Fee = $750

Financial Aid

CIEE offers the most grants and scholarships of any study abroad organization, including $8 million/year in travel grants, merit-based scholarships, institutional and MSI grants, and Gilman Go Global Grants.

See Scholarships

*non-refundable fee

**direct cost of education charged uniformly to all students

***Housing fees listed are for financial aid purposes only and should not be considered a basis for calculation of refunds.

For students in homestays, families provide all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For students in residence halls/apartments, you should budget approx. $260 per month for groceries if you plan on making your own meals, and more if you plan on eating out regularly.

††Round-trip based on U.S. East Coast departure

†††Transportation card $40 per month.

††††$100 emergency fund + cell phone expense + toiletries

†††††Covid test fees for entry to the US, if required

††††††Academic year long students who wish to stay onsite are responsible for arranging their housing and meals during the semester break

What's Included



Pre-departure Advising

Advising before you depart to set goals and answer questions

Optional on-site airport meet-and-greet


Introduction to your program plus practical information about living in your host city

On-site Staff

Full-time program leadership and support in your city

Cultural and/or Co-curricular Activities

Excursions and/or Study Tours

Travel Protection

CIEE iNext travel protection

24/7 emergency on-site support


Our Staff

Salvador Parra

Center Director

Salvador has been working at CIEE since 2000 and is passionate about international exchange. He holds a degree in History and Geography from the University of Seville, and a Master of Business Administration.

José Luis Martinez

Academic Director

José Luis Martinez (Juli) has a B.A. in Hispanic Philology and an M.A. in Spanish Literature (Theater) from the Universidad de Seville. He has been working with CIEE since 2002.

María Montes de Oca

Director of Student Life

María has been working at CIEE since 2007. She studied Journalism and Translation Studies (French and Italian) at University of Granada, and obtained a Masters degree in European Studies. Having...

Get Started Steps

Get Started

Here’s what you need to do to take the next steps:


Start an Application

You're one step closer to an amazing internship abroad experience!


Connect With Your Campus Study Abroad Office

Share your plans and confirm you're on track to meet all required steps to go abroad. 


Contact CIEE

We're here to help! Send us an email if you still have questions or need information about applying to this program.


Interested in an optional internship?

After being accepted to this program and submitting the required internship documents, work with CIEE staff on your internship goals and select which positions to interview for. CIEE will reach out to companies that would be a good fit for you, your interests, and your qualifications. Finalize your internship placement upon arrival!

Request Info