Why Seoul is a Great City for Introverts

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Arts + Sciences (Yonsei University)

Authored By:

Martina A.

Being in a new city can be daunting for many reasons. For those who identify as an introvert, like me, having to put yourself out there to make friends and engage with locals can be especially challenging. Though, it is important to grow outside of your comfort zone while you are abroad, there are days when you deserve to rest and preserve your social battery. So, this is why Seoul is a great city to thrive as an introvert!

Koreans do not talk to strangers 

If you are coming from a western country similar to America, where strangers are more likely to strike up a conversation with each other, it may be shocking to find out that in Seoul this does not happen often. In America, people smile at each other when they make eye contact on the street, however, Koreans do not. It is not rude, but it is just how the culture and social norms operate. Seoul is a fast-paced city where everyone is on the go, so people are not taking the time out of their busy schedules to stop and talk to others. Due to the high population density in Seoul people tend to bump into each other many times. Although you may be used to apologizing when this happens, most Koreans do not acknowledge when someone has bumped into them and just keep on going with their plans for the day. Therefore, for most of your days here, you can go through the streets of Korea and not have to talk to anybody once.

Nonetheless, I want to be very clear that Koreans are still nice to strangers and are willing to help if you need assistance. 

Alone booths & Touch devices at restaurants

With social anxiety, it can be difficult to have meals by myself, however, eating alone is normalized in Seoul.

For instance, there are places that are designed for solo eating. In these places, they have solo tables with a clear divider to separate each section. These places tend to be on the cheaper side but are still filled with high quality delicious food. Often you pay before you eat and just wait a couple minutes for your food to arrive. With that you can sit back and eat while watching a show, listening to music, or just enjoying the food in front of you.

In addition, in Seoul you will notice how technologically advanced everything is; one way is that many places have touch devices to order food from. You choose the items you want and then pay with your card. Sometimes they are in front of the restaurant, so you must wait for your number to be called and grab your food. Other times the devices are right at the table, so you wait for the food to be brought to you. At these places you do not need to speak to anyone once to get a good meal.

Cafe Hopping

There are a wide range of activities to do in Seoul, however, you may get nervous to experience some of them alone. A great solo activity to do while you are in Seoul is cafe hopping. Seoul has probably some of the greatest cafes in the world so spending your day trying different desserts and drinks, with a good book, music or even a journal is great! With the endless cafe options, you cannot choose wrong; you can go to a space theme cafe, write a letter to your future self, an animal cafe, and so much more!