Who Would've Thought I'd be Going to Thailand?

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Arts + Sciences

Authored By:

Hailey B.

If I could tell my high school self that I would be 21, studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea, but traveling to Phuket, Thailand, I would have told me I was insane. But, that is exactly my reality. I had the honor to be able to take a long weekend with my friends and travel to Phuket, Thailand and take a break from the busy city life of Seoul. 

Phuket Day 1

Our first day greeted us with a gloomy humid rain as we woke up at 6:30am. Our day was filled of boat rides and tropical islands. We signed up for the Phi Phi Island boat tour where we rode on a nice speed boat to 5 different islands and also a snorkeling spot. The water was absolutely beautiful, although it was rainy it was honestly better than having the sun beating down on us. It was an amazing experience paired with an amazing staff that was really kind and kept us hydrated and entertained. We swam in clear blue water and snorkeled in a reef full of fish and coral. We then proceeded to Phi Phi Island were we ate an amazing buffet and were allowed to explore the islands market before returning to Phuket. 




Phuket Day 2

The second day was just as fantastic as the first. We started the day with zip-lining where we screamed our lungs out hudreds of feet above the trees, while taking in the beautiful jungle around us. Right after we were taken to another part of the jungle where we spent an hour atving (I crashed). As a part of the tour experience, we drove up to whats called The Big Buddha, the biggest outdoor Buddha statue in the world. We did all of this before 12pm. Because we finished so early, we were able to spend the rest of the day exploring Phuket's markets and nightlife. One thing to note, the convenience store and pharmacies are actually really fun to shop at. The 7/11's offer many Thai snacks and items that can't be found anywhere else. We scoured every 7/11 and local pharmacy for treats and souvenirs. 

Phuket Day 3

On my final day, we spent the day on another boat tour. This time exploring completely new areas of the near by islands. This tour we journeyed to 3 islands and one town that was completely built over the ocean. The day was perfect, bright and sunny, but not too hot. This day was by far my favorite, the vibes and nature is indescribable. The floating town, that reminded me of Lake Town from The Hobbit, had beautiful culture and market. The people were very friendly and had many stray cats for me to pet. As we arrived to our final island as the sun was setting my friends and I reflected on our trip and were in awe of the surroundings around us. We kept repeating "Guys we're literally in Phuket Thailand right now", and were just filled with so much serotonin. We drew in the sand and walked along the beach taking in every moment until we had to get back on the boat to leave. 


This was one of my most memorable experiences of my life. My friends and I felt incredibly safe and secure during our travels and often met solo female travelers also exploring the island. Thai food is delicious and affordable, the island itself is beautiful and full of wildlife. My friends and I were heartbroken to have to leave as we fell in love with the place and its people. It is a very special culture and we were lucky enough to get just a glimpse of it. Everyday and every moment was rated a 10/10 and hope to return to Thailand in the future!

