Top 7 Study Abroad Interview Questions and How to Prepare for Them
As part of the study abroad application process, most university study abroad offices, and even some academic advising teams, require study abroad interviews for students (like you!) who want to go abroad during their college careers. Study abroad interviews are a great way to gauge students’ backgrounds, interests, and goals related to a study abroad experience. And spoiler: These interviews are great for the students, too.
Read More: What is Study Abroad? Everything You Need to Know!
Let’s take a closer look at common study abroad interview questions, how you can prepare for them, and better yet, how to do well in a study abroad interview.
To provide an overview, some study abroad interview questions students may get asked include:
- Where do you want to study abroad?
- Which subjects do you plan to study abroad?
- What are your goals for study abroad?
- What excites you most about study abroad?
- How does study abroad align with your major and/or career?
- Have you traveled abroad before?
- Describe a time you had to overcome an obstacle?

Top 7 Study Abroad Interview Questions
You might be asking yourself, “How do you answer a study abroad application question?” and that’s what we’re here to help you with!
There are some typical study abroad interview questions that most study abroad offices or academic advisors ask; we’ve included seven questions you may hear during your interview. We’ll provide you with both wrong and right answers to these study abroad interview questions to help you feel confident and better prepared ahead of your interview.
Question #1: Where Do You Want to Study Abroad?
Wrong Answer: It doesn’t matter to me!
Right Answer: I’d like to study in a more eco-friendly country.
You’ll most likely hear this question during your study abroad interview. And it’s important. Study abroad interview questions aim to better understand your reasons for studying abroad and how the experience will positively impact you and your future. For example, if you’re passionate about sustainability and hope to have a career in the industry, studying abroad in a country focusing on eco-friendly practices is key to your success.
Ahead of your study abroad interview, look into which study abroad programs and locations match your academic interests and possibly even your career goals – and don’t worry, you’re bound to find a program that stands out. And just in case you were wondering, Costa Rica and Denmark are some incredible eco-friendly study abroad options.

Read More: The Top 10 Best Places to Study Abroad for College Students
Question #2 Which Subjects Do You Plan to Study Abroad?
Wrong Answer: I don’t know.
Right Answer: I want to earn extra credits toward my minor in history.
As far as study abroad interview questions go, this one is very common. When planning to study abroad, you need to consider how the experience will influence you and your college career. It’s wise to ask yourself, “Which courses will be most useful for my degree or enhance my interests?” For example, if you’re studying history or passionate about the subject, studying history abroad from a different global perspective will enrich your current studies and passions.
That’s sort of the whole point of studying abroad, after all – embarking on an international experience that will deepen your current endeavors!
Read More: What Subjects Can You Study Abroad: Top 10
Question #3: What Are Your Goals for Study Abroad?
Wrong Answer: I’m not sure yet.
Right Answer: I want to improve my Spanish.
Defining your study abroad goals is one of the most important study abroad interview questions you’ll be asked. Ahead of your conversation with your study abroad office or academic advisor, you should think about what you want out of a study abroad experience. And it’s perfectly okay if your goals vary. One of your goals might be to travel or learn about other cultures, and another might be more related to your studies or passions, like improving your Spanish language skills.
The most important thing to remember is that your goals for study abroad need to be impactful – it’s not enough to say you want to try new foods (although that’s a huge plus of studying abroad); a study abroad experience is a whole lot more than that. Dig deep when determining what your actual goals are for studying abroad.
Read More: What are Your Goals for Studying Abroad?
Question #4: What Excites You Most About Study Abroad?
Wrong Answer: Going to the beach.
Right Answer: Meeting new people with different perspectives.
Of course, you can be excited about going to the beach during your study abroad program, but when asking yourself, “What makes me a good candidate for study abroad?” just mentioning the beach isn’t the best response.
When thinking about what excites you the most about studying abroad, start right there – what truly excites you! Even if your first thought is going to the beach, go a little deeper – it’s not just about going to the beach; it’s about seeing a new destination’s natural landscapes, possibly meeting new people at the beach, or learning more about your study abroad location’s local wildlife.
Remember – impact, impact, impact. While a random beach day during your study abroad experience might not be the most memorable, learning something new and gaining a deeper global perspective will be.

Read More: Why Study Abroad? Top 7 Benefits of Studying Abroad
Question #5: How Does Study Abroad Align with Your Major and/or Career?
Wrong Answer: I don’t know.
Right Answer: I want to volunteer at a local school to help me gain teaching experience.
While studying abroad is fun, it’s still part of your college experience, meaning your academics and future career are integral to the journey. You need to be able to answer questions for study abroad interview relating to your major and/or career, so be sure to plan accordingly.
Determine several study abroad programs that pique your interest and take a closer look at the program details and which parts may pertain to your major and/or career. You might find that there are volunteer opportunities that directly correlate to your dream job – like volunteering at local schools before becoming a teacher! Or you might find some niche courses offered during a study abroad program that you’ve been dying to learn more about.
Aligning your study abroad experience with your major and/or career is important, and it may take some research to nail it when posed as one of your study abroad interview questions.
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Question #6: Have You Traveled Abroad Before? If So, How Did You Handle a New Culture?
Wrong Answer: No, and I’m not sure how I’d handle it.
Right Answer: No, but I want to learn as much as possible from others.
This is one of the trickier study abroad interview questions you may be asked. If you’ve never traveled abroad before, speak honestly about your past experiences, prepare ahead of time, and research ways to handle new cultures. And it’s perfectly okay if your response is to seek advice from others and learn as you go – that’s all part of the study abroad process.
You can even browse more of our blog, where we cover topics on all things studying abroad, including culture shock, study abroad tips, country-specifics like traditions and customs, and tons more.
Read More: What is Culture Shock? 4 Examples and Tips to Adjust
Question #7: Describe a Time You Had to Overcome an Obstacle. How Did You Handle the Stress? How Did You Problem-Solve?
Wrong Answer: I don’t know.
Right Answer: I recently had a challenging group project and handled the stress by communicating with my team.
These kinds of study abroad interview questions will help you prepare for all kinds of professional interviews in the future!
While there’s no denying that studying abroad is the adventure of a lifetime, you’re bound to run into some challenging situations. You are navigating a new international city, after all! And with these inevitable challenges, your study abroad office and academic advisor want to make sure you can problem-solve and handle them.
Really reflect on how you’ve managed stressful situations throughout your life and explain how you’ll be able to use similar approaches when studying abroad – tactics like communication, mindfulness, reframing, and more are great ways to handle obstacles. And we’re sure after your study abroad experience, you’ll be problem-solving like a pro.

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Take the Next Step
Preparing for study abroad interview questions isn’t only a great way to ensure a smooth interview but also a way to think critically about your study abroad adventure and how the experience will impact different aspects of your life.
The questions for study abroad interview aren’t just for your study abroad office or academic advisor – they’re for you, too. To help you think, to help you reflect, and to help you get on your way!