Tallinn Visit - Copenhagen Study Tour

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College Study Abroad


Tallinn is the Capital of Estonia, one of the smallest countries in Europe. Yet the country and the city have plenty to offer visitors. Estonia was a former Soviet republic and the conflict between East and West is still very much alive in the country where NATO has deployed troops as a political signal to Russia. Estonia has also become among the most digitalized countries in the world and is a front runner when it comes to E-governance.


Head over to Kadriorg Park to experience the exquisite Japanese Garden, designed by renowned landscape architect Masao Sone, that sits at the northeast corner of the park. The plants were chosen specifically to suit Estonia’s colder cli-mate. Rocks play an important part in the garden. Mr. Sone fell in love with Tallinn’s Old Town cobblestone and this influence is clearly visible.

Read more about the amazing study tour!