Sustainability and the Environment: "Over the Back Fence"

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Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

It is Sunday; two days until the adventurers arrive. The professors are busy coordinating their curriculum, and the TAs are busy doing inventories and fixing printers, and all that kind of stuff can be a little mind-numbing. The good news is, there's a cloud forest just up the hill a little ways, and cloud forests are notorious for alleviating the wasps-in-the-head feeling that comes with all of this computer work. 

So on Sunday morning, right around 6 AM, professors Karen and Adam and TAs Sam and Mabel (along with the handy photographer) threw a loaf of bread and a pound of coffee in an old sack and jumped over the back fence on a hike up into the cloud forest. 

It kind of looks like Jurassic Park out here, doesn't it?

It was a clear, blue-sky morning down at the Study Center, but as the group made its way deeper into the forest, and higher up the mountain, it began to grow misty and cool. That's kind of how it happens up here in Monteverde; you should probably carry a raincoat around with you when you can, just in case.

Misty misty misty mist

For just a minute, the sky cleared just enough for the group to look down on the mountains sprawling out below them. They were lit by golden sunlight but their visibility was fleeting. After only a few moments, the mist drifted over them again and obscured the land below. 

Early morning holds all the promise

Karen and Adam take a breather. Adam enjoys some coffee from his little cup.

The young adventurers have a lot of good stuff to look forward to as they prepare to join the instructors here in this beautiful place. Right now, they're probably just packing their bags, enjoying some fast food, or watching some sort of television program, but very soon they will be residents of this green mountain too.

Pumas live in there you know 

  These trees look like they walk around at night. The mountain is alive.  

  There's little living things, everywhere you look.


Karen and Adam are wondering how they're going to get down this big old muddy hill

A rare photo of Karen, Mabel, Adam, Sam, and the photographer all standing in a line in the same place looking in the same direction

  This big tree is basically an apartment for plants. Plants that grow on other plants are called epiphytes, just in case you didn't know.  

It was not a bad way at all to start the day. A good long walk in the forest in the early morning is good for the soul. It makes the brain stop humming. Why sleep when you can walk? 

  The TAs (Sam and Mabel) lead the way back down the mountain 

Only two more days until the grand adventurous students arrive. I'll keep you updated. 

Stay tuned.