Sustainability and the Environment: "Long Road Home"

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Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

The adventurers had been on a journey. For many days, they had been out into the wilds; the dry plains in the shadow of the volcano; the mysterious island in the middle of the Gulf; the indigenous mountain town of Boruca; and Ceibo, the innocent community with the uncertain future. 

The adventurers had been on a journey; now they were heading home.  On their way home, they decided that they might as well make the most of their return trip, so they stopped at this little place called the Hotel Pelicano on the beautiful pristine coast, and they spent the afternoon playing in the water and running around on the hot hot sand. 

It was not a bad way to spend a couple hours, I gotta say.  

So empty they thought it might be haunted 

Two ghosts sit in two ghost chairs on the beautiful beach 

Now playing volleyball and body surfing wasn't fun enough for a few of the adventurers, so they went and rented themselves a surfboard from Mikey, who owned the place, and went out to get just a little pitted. 

Rachel's such a little grom 

The beautiful and ethereal Hotel Pelicano 

And as if that wasn't cool enough, the adventurers made another pit-stop on their way back up to Monteverde... they pulled off onto the side of the road to walk out on this bridge and lean wayyyyy over to get a peak at some pretty awesome stuff way down below... 

I bet you can't guess what Morgan's looking at...  

... but if you guessed a ton of mangy old crocodiles, you're spot on!

 This was the famous bridge over the Tarcoles river, and this particular spot just so happened to be crawling with American Crocodiles, not unlike the ones the adventurers had seen only a few days over out on old Isla Chira. 

Captain Hook's right hand is in there somewhere 

Look at that sly crocodile smile 

Leah thought Morgan had a pretty great strategy before 

 After they'd stared into the scary eyes of the crocodiles for as long as they felt comfortable, the adventurers walked across the bridge, metaphorically re-crossing the threshold between the wilderness and their home, and walked over to this neat little gifty place to look at all the neat things.

Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing 

Emma found her good sty

When they'd finished looking at the elephant tapestries and Pura Vida hats, the adventurers climbed back onto their nice big bus and drove way back up into the mountains, back home to Monteverde.

What did they learn on their great journey? Did they change? Did they grow? Did they return with a knowledge sufficient to sustain the planet that we call home?

You'll have to be the judge of that-- I'm just the photographer. Stay tuned for news of the adventurers' upcoming exploits, internships, and general tomfoolery and learning. They are now safely back in Monteverde, and it is good to be home.