Sustainability and the Environment: "Amanda's Internship Report"

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Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

Sustainable Landscape Planning

The area of Monteverde-Santa Elena, Costa Rica was once rural, and known for its Quaker settlements and Cheese Factory. Once discovered as a beautiful, biodiverse location for research and tourism, the town developed quickly, but without much planning. My internship in sustainable landscape planning focused on: (1) analyzing the current condition of the sector to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, (2) developing a conceptual design for the entire sector, (3) developing a detailed design for one transect of the sector, and (4) designing and constructing an element for my transect. We were able to create a detailed document including all of these elements to be able to present our analysis, designs, and ideas to the municipality. 

This internship was especially attractive for me from the beginning because I am very interested in environmental restoration. Living in Monteverde-Santa Elena for a few months has also given me a personal connection to the landscape. I loved seeing areas of potential and being able to use my creativity to design something there. I also enjoyed being able to apply my knowledge of sustainability in a different way. I was able to design spaces using native plants, permeable brick or cement, recycled glass, etc. I had the opportunity to propose ways to improve and sustain the health of the stream and develop biological corridors. Being able to use what I’ve learned in the classroom in a physical, tangible way has given me an even bigger passion for my major. This internship has given me a taste of how I hope to apply my degree someday.

This internship has given me an opportunity to grow in many ways. I have had the opportunity to work in a small group which further developed my abilities communicate, compromise, and analyze ideas. In the field, I learned to critically analyze my surroundings, have attention to detail, and problem solve. Designing the proposal allowed me to grow in my creativity, drawing skills, and written communication skills. Most importantly, I learned how to take my passion for and knowledge of the environment to the next level. As mentioned, I learned how to apply my passions and knowledge in a new way.

We were able to discuss the design of constructed elements with the municipality, and will have an opportunity to present the entire proposal soon. Whether or not they choose to implement our design, I feel like I have made a contribution. Our proposal communicates the necessity of urban planning, the process of urban planning, and examples of sustainable development. When I discussed my internship with the family I’m living with, they were excited about what I did. They agreed that the city does have landscaping needs, such as safe walking areas and public green spaces. I have done my part to get the attention of the municipality and, at the least, get them thinking about future projects. In addition, constructing an element for my transect has allowed me to contribute to the landscape and give locals and tourists something to enjoy. I constructed a sign describing the surrounding geography of the most visited viewpoint in the sector, and am excited to see people take advantage of it. Overall, this internship has been a great learning opportunity for me, and I am thankful that I was able to have the experience.