Summer Programs, 2017, Newsletter I

Programs for this blog post

Business + Culture

Authored By:

Fernando Janeiro

 The value of a homestay

Ths summer programs are passing fast and some students have already finished their experience abroad in Barcelona. From the many experiences that a student goes through while abroad, living in a homestay is the one that makes students get immersed in the local culture and expand their intercultural competence and their skills to get adapted to a new environment. This is the case of three of our students and host families who want to share some experiences that show the students' engagement with the local culture.

Sharing the music

Kalen, from University of Colorado Boulder, was living with Carmen and Ramón. Besides spending their time together talking around the table for dinner, Kalen and Ramon share their interest in music. Kalen likes to sing and Ramon plays the guitar, so they practiced their hobbies together. What a great match!

Sharing experiences

Taylor, from Texas A&M University, shared in her personal blog the importance of spending time with the host family. In her case, she had the chance to spend a day with some of the host family's relatives in a house outside Barcelona, far away for the city life. Taylor could experience first hand how it is to live in a bilingual society in which people speak two languages (Catalan and Spanish). As Taylor explained,  "...speaking your non-native language and see what you’ll find. I guarantee it’ll be worth it".  If you want to check the whole story, please, visit Taylor's blog.

Sharing the food

Nikki, from University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, was so grateful and happy living with her host family that one day, Agnes, her host mother, offered her a particular cooking class on Spanish and Catalan dishes, as paella. Nikki did an outstanding performance and she shared such a delicious plate with all the family. Check here the results!

