Study Abroad with only a Carry-on

By: Lucas Taliaferro

Embarking on a journey of a lifetime, I decided to challenge the conventional norms of packing and embraced the minimalist lifestyle as I set out to study abroad for 18 weeks across three vibrant destinations—Japan, Italy, and Madrid. Armed with nothing more than a carry-on and a backpack, I discovered the art of efficient packing and the joy of acquiring essentials on the go.

The Art of Minimalism: Packing Essentials

With a vision of traveling light and maximizing my experiences, I meticulously curated a compact wardrobe. In my trusty carry-on, I packed only one jacket, a pair of sweatpants, two versatile pants, and two pairs of walking shoes. The backbone of my wardrobe consisted of an array of versatile t-shirts that could be mixed and matched for different occasions. The key was to focus on essentials and prioritize versatility over excess. I also invested in a compatible umbrella, microfiber towel, and a charging adapter which made my life a lot easier. 

Adapting to Climate Changes

Navigating through three diverse climates—from the humid summer of Japan to the crisp air of Madrid—required strategic wardrobe choices. I relied on layering and the adaptability of my clothing to seamlessly transition between seasons. The decision to purchase a jacket from a thrift store upon my arrival in Madrid was not just a necessity for the chilly evenings but also a testament to the practicality of buying locally to meet specific climate needs.

The Thrill of Shopping Abroad: A Nomad's Wardrobe

Each destination brought forth a unique shopping experience, tempting me to indulge in the local fashion scene. Japan's bustling street markets offered quirky accessories and sleek, minimalist clothing. Italy's exquisite leather and timeless pieces at the massive flea markets. Madrid, with its eclectic style, provided an opportunity to snag a stylish winter jacket. Not packing heavy also gave me an excuse to indulge in the local shopping, and helped me blend into the local culture while fulfilling my practical needs.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Minimalist Travelers

Invest in Quality: Opt for durable and versatile clothing items that can withstand frequent use.

Layering is Key: Choose items that can be layered to adapt to changing weather conditions.

Prioritize Comfort: A few comfortable outfits can go a long way in enhancing your travel experience.

Embrace Local Style: Allow yourself the joy of blending in by indulging in the local fashion scene.


Embarking on a whirlwind adventure with only a carry-on and a backpack challenged my preconceived notions about travel and packing. The simplicity of my wardrobe allowed me to focus on the beauty of the journey, savoring every moment without the burden of excess baggage. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the historic sites of Rome and the lively atmosphere of Madrid, my minimalist approach to packing enhanced the overall experience, proving that sometimes, less truly is more in the world of travel.