Study Abroad & Greek Life: Benefits and Advice
If you’re a Greek affiliated student interested in studying abroad, you’re in luck: You can do both! While the idea of spending a semester away from your brothers and sisters, initiation, recruitment, and fulfilling philanthropy requirements might seem impossible, many Greek affiliated students report success, benefits, and happiness from their decision to study abroad.
Read on as we explore why study abroad is a great choice for Greek affiliated students and how you can become one of them!
Can I Be in a Sorority/Fraternity and Study Abroad?
The short answer: Yes! You absolutely can be in a sorority or fraternity and study abroad. You don’t have to choose, so give yourself the best of both worlds! If you decide to pursue both commitments, you should expect to work in some extra planning and coordination. For example, you may need to miss rush season, a philanthropic event, or retreat to travel abroad.
Alternatively, if you know a particular season of the schoolyear is busier than another for your Greek life schedule, you could opt for a study abroad program that runs at an opposite time of year. At CIEE, we host study abroad programs during January, spring, summer, and fall. Additionally, we offer specialty programs, like Summer Global Internships, and customizable programs, like the Open Campus Block program, giving you more ways to get on your way, no matter how demanding your schedule.

Read More: 10 Best Study Abroad Programs for College Students in 2024
How Study Abroad Will Benefit Your Greek Life
Not only can you study abroad and be Greek affiliated, but study abroad will benefit your Greek life. Study abroad promotes essential soft skills, like adaptability, independence, leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, confidence, and time management – all valuable outcomes to bring back to your Greek chapter. Not to mention, study abroad opens you up to cultural understanding, new ways of thinking, academic enrichment, foreign languages, and different global perspectives.
In addition to personal growth, let’s unpack three distinct ways study abroad can positively impact your journey as a Greek affiliated student.
#1: You’ll Have Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities
Just as every Greek chapter participates in philanthropic efforts to help members build character and develop a community first mindset, CIEE offers programs with volunteer opportunities built into the academic framework for on-site learning and community engagement. Volunteering as part of your study abroad program will leave you with lasting benefits, like:
- Giving you a sense of purpose
- Increasing your social skills
- Improving your self-esteem
- Teaching you valuable hard and soft skills
- Connecting you with different communities
These kinds of skills and learning outcomes are highly transferable to your Greek chapter back home, in addition to your college degree and future career.
Read More: Top 10 Study Abroad Volunteer Opportunities with CIEE
#2: You’ll Expand Your Professional Network
No matter which study abroad or global internship program you choose at CIEE, you’re guaranteed to network with the most incredible people abroad. Just like you’ve networked with the most incredible people at home at your Greek chapter! Abroad you’ll meet highly skilled and esteemed faculty and classmates destined to become your lifelong friends, making your professional network grow ... and grow ... and grow during your international adventure.
With every new contact you make abroad, you’ll be able to connect with your new contacts on LinkedIn and may even choose to ask your friends from around the world to give you recommendations and referrals for job opportunities and the like. Even better, introduce your network abroad to your network back home, bridging the gap between your brothers and sisters and your international connections.
Read More: 6 Ways to Build a Global Network Abroad
#3: You’ll Be Out of Your Comfort Zone
Greek life is all about growing and developing as a person. From building leadership qualities to engaging with your local community, as a Greek affiliated student you’re constantly being pushed outside your comfort zone. A study abroad program is the same! Between learning alongside brand new classmates from different schools to immersing yourself in a new culture where you don’t speak the local language, your time abroad will push the boundaries of your comfort zone every single day; and that’s a great thing!
By the time you return home to campus and your sisters and brothers, you’ll have a new perspective of the world, more independence and autonomy, be a stronger problem solver, and ultimately have a deeper understanding of different cultures and communities. These are all incredible skills and outcomes to share back with your Greek chapter.

Read More: Is Studying Abroad Worth It? 10 Outcomes of Studying Abroad
Advice for Greek Life Students Who Study Abroad
Once you’ve made the decision to pursue Greek life and study abroad, you’ll be well on your way to reaping the benefits of both commitments. To start things off on the right foot, consider a few of our practical tips.
Tip #1: Plan Ahead and Communicate
Before embarking on your study abroad journey, it’s essential to plan ahead and communicate with both with your Greek organization and your school’s internal study abroad office, if applicable. With your chapter, ensure your absence won’t affect any planned events or negatively impact your participation. With your school’s study abroad office, review things like academic requirements (think GPA) and financial considerations, like scholarships, grants and other funding you may qualify for.
Tip #2: Stay Connected
No doubt, you’ll be having the time of your life on your study abroad adventure but be sure to stay connected with your brothers and sisters back home. Whether via social media, email, or calls, keeping up with your family, friends, and Greek community will help you combat potential culture shock. Additionally, spreading the word about how much fun you’re having abroad may excite your brothers and sisters, inspiring them to have their own study abroad adventure!
Tip #3: Share Your Experience
After you return home from your time abroad, consider sharing your experience with the rest of your Greek chapter and other school peers. The best way for others to learn if studying abroad is right for them is by connecting with alums who share their real stories about their lifechanging study abroad journey. Once you’re an alum, you’ll not only inspire others, but you can actually make extra cash doing it! Through CIEE’s Refer-A-Friend program, for every friend you refer who goes abroad, they’ll get $200 off their program, and you’ll get $200 in your pocket. It’s a win-win!

Balance Greek Life and Study Abroad
Studying abroad while being a sorority or fraternity member is a rewarding and enriching experience that you shouldn’t miss. As long as you plan accordingly, manage your commitments, stay connected, and push your comfort zone, you’ll be on your way to harmoniously balancing Greek life with your international education plans. Good luck!