Spring 2016 Sustainability and the Environment: "A New Hope"

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Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

Congratulations! You found the blog for the Spring 2016 "Sustainability and the Environment" program in Monteverde, Costa Rica! In just a few days, seventeen USA gringos will fly across oceans and touch down onto the Rich Coast, eager to learn about how they can, in their small (or great big) way, save the world.

I'm the photographer, and I’m going to be following these adventurers around and taking pictures of all the cool stuff they get to do, and at the end of the day I’ll use this blog to fill the general public in on their whereabouts and accomplishments.

Well, cards on the table: the kids aren’t here yet, but there’s just too much excitement going on to wait around until they arrive on Tuesday. Here’s the first dispatch from Monteverde, Costa Rica, and a glimpse into the lives of the folks who are waiting anxiously to meet the slick adventurers.

We ought to take a look at the little Study Center that the kids will do a good bit of their learning at, shouldn't we? 

There it is! 

Beautiful, isn't it? Why yes, yes it is. 

I bet you’re wondering what these staff members, teaching assistants, and wise professors are doing to kill the time. Well, the answer is: plenty. For starters, they met with the amazing families who are going to host the incoming students for their homestays. This is important to do, so that the staff can hook the families up with smoke detectors, talk to them about how to keep their American chicos in line, and make sure that the “adults” aren’t really just two kids in a trenchcoat standing on each other’s shoulders. This has never happened, not even once, but you can never be too careful.  

They all seem to be legit 

At the end of the meeting, the Bomberos came by to do a presentation on fire safety for all the families, and boy I tell you what, these Tica chicas really get excited to see the firemen come by.

Los Bomberos 

Even the guy in the back is getting all worked up 

They seem nice 

This seems like a good opportunity to introduce a few (but definitely not all) of the cool staff over here at the old Study Center.

That's Karen on the right (the guy on the left is not named Karen). She's the big boss and a cool cucumber.

That's Mabel, she's a cool Teaching Assistant and a total pro.

Here's Sam, the second TA, all worked up over this rambunctious little chico 

And this is the most important member of the Study Center family: Miel, the cat. 

 As Meil keeps watch, the SE faculty and staff wish safe travels to all of the adventurers preparing to embark on their adventurous journey, and eagerly anticipate their arrival. 

Talk soon. 


The photographer (Trevor)