Spanish Meal Times!

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Liberal Arts

Authored By:

Sofia S.

Something I wish I knew about when I went abroad was the TIMING of meals. When I first entered my first home stay, I was starving to say the least after about 1pm. Little did I know I would not eat lunch until much later, and dinner at near midnight. I am going to give you some guestimates on the meal times of Spain and what to expect:

Breakfast: Sometimes, Spaniards do not eat breakfast or will have a café or tea to go. If you do eat breakfast, this would be any normal time after you wake up. Breakfast is usually a piece of toast, cookie, or yogurt - something smaller. 

Snack 1: Snack one is usually around 10:30-11am and it is typically a bocadillo (small sandwich) for school kids. I would often have a croissant or piece of fruit. 

Lunch: Lunch is usually around 2:00-3:30 and lunch is the largest meal of the day. I would often have pasta dishes, paellas, stews, etc. 

Snack 2: Snack 2, your merienda happens around 5:30-6pm. This could be fruit, nuts, popcorn? Something small to snack on before dinner that is typically lighter.

Dinner: Dinner is anywhere between 10pm-12am. For dinner, I would often have salads, sushi, egg rolls, tortilla, tapas, smaller things to eat before I go to bed. 

I hope this was helpful!:)