San José....oh San José!

Programs for this blog post

Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Dr. Alan Masters

After long hours of flights, some snowstorms and crazy costarican traffic we got to sleep for some hours..our first night in Costa Rica!

The next morning the sixteen of us got to know each other and our staff, Alan(our director and instructor) gave us a orientation talk about Costa Rica...Do you know that costaricans call themselves as "ticos"?, that more than half of costarican population are europeans descendants? that almost 99% of their energy comes from renewable sources? Do you know that EVERYBODY in Costa Rica loves soccer?

So since we didn't knew that much of our host country Alan said:"If you want to know Costa Rica, you need to know San José!"...

so our TA Moncho gave us an special assignment:"Go to the central market and find the weirdest fruit that you can find" be honest, it wasn't that hard, Costa Rica has so many types of tropical fruits!, we only recognise like 5 of them!

We came back to our hotel and we learn about flowers and fruits, then the time of try them finally happen...that was not mention on the assignment Moncho!

Other people was not that adventurous...come on guys! Seriously bananas? day we have our first day of Human in the Tropics class.

More of San José coming!