Running Up That Hill !! (Hiking Up a Mountain !!)
I have to say that one of my more unique experiences here has been getting the chance to hike a mountain, something I honestly have never, ever done before! One of the CIEE organized excursions that I had the chance to participate in was the hike up Mt. Inwangsan! Honestly, it was an exhausting day due to me having done things beforehand, but it was also one of the most fun days I’ve had this semester!
Teddy, one of our CIEE staff, started leading a large group of us up the mountain, which wasn’t too far from our campus. We started strong with the main group, but a few of us needed to move a bit slower. Honestly, it was a really welcomed experience, because we got to really take our time soaking up the nature, taking pictures, and moving at a pace that worked for us!
The views the closer and closer we got to the top were honestly amazing! I was heaving, panting, sweating, and nearly fell multiple times in my white converse shoes, but I was able to complete the journey in one piece!
Over the duration of our three hour trek to the peak, there were lots of laughs, a few close calls, and several brief pauses either to appreciate the scenery or because we all collectively needed to move slower.
In all honesty, the walk down the mountain was a lot more difficult for me than the hike to the top. I think all of my exhaustion from the day hit me as gravity carried us down, but for me, it meant that I had an amazing night’s rest after the dinner we had back in the city. I absolutely would do this hike again, despite the challenge it posed! I look back on this day with nothing but fondness and happy memories!
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