A Reflection on Studying Abroad in Spain
By: Olivia Hegerfeld
One of the scariest things for me was choosing to study abroad in a large city, considering I had grown up and lived in a small town for almost my whole life. I was nervous about finding the transport and even just the amount of people. However, after spending 6 weeks in Madrid, one of the largest cities in Spain, my worries now seem almost insignificant.
Overall, studying abroad is a life-changing adventure that opens up new horizons, challenges perspectives, and cultivates personal and academic growth. Choosing to embark on this journey in a large city adds an extra layer of excitement and diversity to the experience.
Studying in a big city is great because you get to experience lots of different cultures. Cities are like mixing bowls with people from all over the world, each bringing their languages and traditions, and Madrid was the perfect example. So, when you study in a major city abroad, it's not just about the classes – you also get to be a part of a cool, global community with a lot of different cultures.
Cities are also vibrant centers of culture and entertainment. When you're not in class, you can explore museums, theaters, galleries, and other cultural attractions. The variety of activities ensures that there's always something to suit your interests, be it music festivals, food fairs, or art exhibitions.
Even if you decide to stay in a homestay or your apartment/dorm is in a smaller town outside of the city, being able to physically travel to and study within the city will add a whole new layer to your study abroad experience. If you are worried about transportation, CIEE staff do a great job at offering help and giving you all the tools you will need to make your way around the city. In Madrid, the CIEE staff helped to supply us with our own Metro cards and even gave us written instructions on how to get to school through the metro. Especially with the quick help of Google Maps or apps like Moovit, finding metro and bus routes became a habitual skill for me.
So, if you're considering studying abroad, think big – choose a city that not only aligns with your academic goals but also promises a diverse and dynamic cultural experience.
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