My Advice to Future Study Abroad(ers)
I cannot believe time has reached for me to make my last blog post in South Korea. It feels as if I had just landed yesterday, but it has been a wild ride! As I reflect on my experience in Seoul, I wanted to share some of my tips to those who embark on this journey in the future.
Although this is probably not the first time you have heard this, I think it's important to reiterate. Making mistakes is a part of life and we are never going to learn without them. Though in the moment, making a mistake could be embarrassing like butchering your broken Korean, it's the moments that come after that are pivotal. Regarding to language, after pronouncing something wrong or using the wrong word, you can take time to properly know what to say for the next time. Mistakes are an extremely important part of learning and being abroad. You are going to encounter difficult situations, like taking the wrong bus or getting lost in the subway, but they are going to make your study abroad journey what it is. Studying abroad is not meant to be perfect, but rather a beautiful story with the ups and the downs! I made many mistakes while I was in Seoul, but I know that I am stronger from what I have learned from them! In a new country, you are not going to know everything and there will be times when you feel lost and confused. That is okay, and it is normal! Don’t let one embarrassing moment scare you from the amazing world out there, rather embrace it!
While abroad there are so many activities to do, especially in a thriving and vibrant city like Seoul. You will get caught up with having many sights to see, places to visit, foods to eat and more. You are going to want to do everything; and you should do everything you can. However, always remember to take care of yourself. While abroad, there are many changes, and you must adapt to a new environment. This is why I think it's important to find moments where you can slow down. In those moments, you should take deep breaths and find ways to relax. Whether that be sneaking in a few more hours of sleep, watching your favorite comfort show, drawing or etcetera, you should just make sure you do whatever calms and centers you. I highly recommend finding times for yourself where you can wind down occasionally, so you do not get burned out from the fast-paced culture that comes with studying abroad.
Lastly, one of the most important tips is to remember this YOUR study abroad experience. Not anyone else's, so you need to put yourself first. Everyone will remember their journey differently, so you should figure out how you want to remember it! You are only here for a limited time, so you should not waste it doing things you do not want to do or being around people you don’t feel comfortable with. You need to give yourself the time to fill out and explore any goals you have for the trip. You need to put yourself out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. The freedom to study abroad is not something that will always be available to you so you should take advantage of it as much as you can.
So, how do you want to remember your study abroad experience?
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