My 5 Pieces of Advice for Studying Abroad

By: Rebekah Powell

Studying abroad can be a scary and uncertain experience. To help ease these feelings, I wanted to make a list of my advice for you while studying abroad. While some of these are a bit cliche, I think they are extremely important to remember to make the most of your semester abroad. So, here are a couple of things to keep in mind when you start and throughout your study abroad experience:

  1. The first two weeks will feel like freshman year all over again – Especially if you come into this experience knowing no one, it’s going to feel like those first couple weeks of college where you're trying to find your footing and a group of friends that you click well with. You’re going to meet TONS of people whom you may or may not speak to ever again. It definitely is a weird feeling, but just remember that it all settles into place in about a week or two. You got through it once and you can get through it again!
  2. Be present – I know you’ve probably heard this a million times but it’s true! I know it can be hard to do when you miss your friends and family or when you see friends on social media back at school or at their own study abroad programs having a great time. First of all, social media never shows the whole truth. And second of all, you only have about 4 months in your country. You don’t want to waste it thinking about being somewhere else. I promise you won’t regret staying present and making the most out of your time in your country.
  3. This experience is for you – One of my friends that I met abroad told me this once and it stuck with me throughout the rest of the semester. I was getting caught up in trying to show that I was having a great time and trying to live out the “perfect study abroad experience". News flash: there is no perfect experience. Everyone’s experience is going to be different because everyone has different goals, interests, and aspirations for their study abroad. Be true to yourself and live this experience for yourself – not for anybody else.
  4. Don’t wait until the last minute to plan weekend trips – Weekend travel is what you make of it. If you wait until the last minute, you’re either going to pay crazy amounts of money or end up not going at all. If you plan on taking weekend trips – sit down at the beginning of the semester and roughly plan out where you want to go and when. Don’t be scared about not knowing who you will go with – that will come in time. And if there is a place you really want to go to and there's no one to go with, don’t be afraid to go solo! Just make sure to research the city and its safety extensively and follow solo travel tips – there are plenty online. 
  5. Say “yes” – Obviously use common sense and be safe, but start saying “yes” to things. Your roommate wants to go on a spontaneous hike? Friends are doing a day trip to a city closeby? You have the opportunity to teach English to children? Say YES! Know your limits but also don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You will never get this time back – don’t waste it in your dorm room.