MSI students – get up to $2,000 for study abroad!

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College Study Abroad

Do you attend a Minority Serving Institution (MSI)?

Great news! If you attend any of the 650 MSIs across the country, you qualify for a study abroad grant up to $2,000, even internships qualify!

To apply, just fill-in the Scholarships and Grants portion of your application!

What’s so special about attending an MSI?

A lot! Approximately 325,000 U.S. students study abroad each year, but less than 30% are from underrepresented groups, including minority students. CIEE is committed to breaking down the barriers to study abroad, so that all students can gain valuable international experience! 

The ability to work in diverse teams and collaborate across disciplines and cultures are just two of the many benefits of study abroad. If you want to successfully compete in the global marketplace, you need to add international experience to your college career – CIEE can help. 

Every year, CIEE offers a number of scholarships and grants to help students like you study abroad. In addition to the MSI grant, CIEE offers program, financial, and merit based scholarships! Fill in the scholarships and grants portion of your CIEE study abroad application and you will be considered for every scholarship you’re eligible to receive.

Check here to see if your school is on a Minority Serving Institutions.