Korean Phrases That You Should Know When Studying Abroad!
When I first arrived in South Korea, I was under the impression that not knowing Korean would be fine because many Koreans speak English. However, I quickly realized that it's still important to learn at least some basic phrases in Korean for convenience and to avoid awkward situations ( not everyone knows English). Based on my experience, I recommend learning the following phrases to make your stay in Korea smoother and more enjoyable.
1. Hello - 안녕하세요 (an-nyong-ha-se-yo)
2. How much is it? - 얼마예요 (ol-ma-e-yo)
3. Yes - 네 (ne) or 예 (ye)
4. No - 아니요 (a-ni-yo)
5. Please - 주세요 (ju-se-yo) ----> Use this if you need something ex: if you need water you would say 물(water) 주세요 (mul-ju-se-yo).
6. Excuse me (for someone’s attention) - 저기요 (jeo-gi-yo)
7. Thank you - 감사합니다 (gam-sa-ham-ni-da)
8. Goodbye - (to the person leaving when you’re staying): 안녕히 가세요 (an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo)
9. Goodbye - (when you’re leaving and the other person is staying): 안녕히 계세요 (an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo)
10. I don't speak Korean - 한국말 못해요 (han·gook·mal mot·he·yo) This is my go-to phrase when someone speaks Korean to me.
These are just some basic phrases you can start with! Hope this helps!
xoxo angel lei
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